Name: George Tilli Date: January 20, 1999

I went to the Hole concert of Jan 20 98 and it was fantastic. It was at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney and the band played incredibly well!!! Although their support band Litiny were a bit too heavy for me!! sorry!!!! The next day they were to appear at HMV music store in the city and me and my friend went. We found out that we had line up and get a ticket! So we sat inside the store and tried to hide. A security guard caught us and said in a really mean voice "Mate there's no bloody way your gonna see Hole." Eventually I and my friend sneaked into the line!!! My friend started crying and I was shaking Eric signed my Celebrity Skin cover and blank piece of A4 paper. Then I met Courtney and I told her she was great in the concert and she said "Thanx that what we like to hear....What’s your name?" "George" Then she signed "George is a GOD" And I said THANX!!" Then I me t Melissa and she signed my cover as did Courtney. When I went to take a photo the security guy stopped me and pulled me away! Melissa apologized. The security guy asked me all these questions and Courtney saw. She stood up and said "Hey leave George alone he's a cute boy and we n eed boys!!!" I walked off half shaky and crying! I was so shocked I could not talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me a fan of Hole since I was 12 when Pretty on the Inside came out was so excited and happy and satisfied. There all so beautiful!!!!!!