Name: Alison
Email address:
Date: January 29th, 1999

My Hole Big Day Out review.... I went to the BDO Adelaide on the 29th January, 1999. After nearly getting killed in the KoRn & Manson moshes, and then again while trying to get into the waiting Hole mosh, Courtney came on stage to screams of 10000 people. They played about 4 songs before Courtney declared that 'KoRn & Marilyn were good tonight, and every other show they sucked, and tonight they're good and we suck'. But I reckon she was the only one who thought Hole sucked that night. They played about another 3 songs before Courtney dramatically told the crowd she'd just been bitten by a sick-ass poisonous bug, and that she was gonna die so we were seeing their last show. They got halfway through the next song and she told the band to stop in the middle, and she walked off looking for a doctor coz she reckoned her arm was going numb and shit. Eric, Melissa and Patty played on, with Melissa doing some wicked vocals. Eventually Courtney returned, and they played about 2 more songs before they thanked the crowd and left. Courtney obviously wasn't getting into it and they cut the set short while a few die-hards in the crowd booed and most people started to leave. About 5-10 minutes later though, just when I'd fought my way out of the mosh and found my friends again, Hole returned to the stage. Suddenly there was 10000 people all running across the showgrounds for the Hole mosh, and they played the rest of the set, running about 15minutes into Ash's set. For a new Hole fan like me, the show was wicked, with a sick mosh and sick atmosphere. Despite Courtney's constant slagging off Korn - "you fuckers in the korn shirts get the fuck outta the mosh", and the 'deadly bug' incident, Hole was the highlight of the BDO for me, and all I can say is that Courtney rocks, Mel's got a sick voice, and I'm outta here to buy Celebrity Skin! Later, tinkleberry - aka Alison D