Review: Hole at Toad's Place, New Haven, CT, Oct 8th, 1994
  (Note: all "quotes" are from memory and are approximate)
Toad's is a "rock bar" - kinda pleasant as bars go. The
crowd was into it, but there was room to stand if you didn't
want to be in the pit - unlike the NJ show I caught.
Hole gave another _great_ performance, a little looser than
NJ, with some more unusual material thrown in. Here are some
(I probably missed a couple) of the songs played: Jennifer's
Body, Teenage Whore, Plump, Beautiful Son (those two seem to
be the preferred first and second songs), Rock Star, Doll
Parts, Violet (sang as "Fuckin' Violet" in the second part
of the song), Softer, Softest, Asking for It, Pretty on the
Inside, Gutless, Credit in the Straight World, and Hungry
Like the Wolf.
Courtney acted like she was really mad at the crowd, then
kinda laughed and smiled. The crowd threw too much stuff on
stage, but otherwise the vibe was good. She was in good
voice, and the band was tight and very very good. Don't
believe everything your read in a piece of shit like SPIN.!
More notes...
Unusual Songs
*    They played an expanded version of the "chant" that
     comes before Credit in the Straight World on LTT. The
     main refrain was "I'm So High".
*    Played a song with the lines "in my silk [or Sunday]
     dress, I walked right into this mess". I didn't
     recognize it, it could have been an old song that I
     don't know, or a new one.
*    She talked about being dissed by a model, then started
     Doll Parts... "I am, a bitch, a witch, I am, a dog,
     I've been dissed real bad..." [the rhythm got lost in
     my transcription!]
CL Sez...
*    "I saw a dick just yesterday... on a rock god... it was
     a _little_ one..." [someone from the crowd says
     something about 'your husband'] "no, his was nice..."
*    [CL said something to Melissa (bass player), then (into
     the mike)] "...maybe I should check America On-Line?"
     [some of the crowd (not many) cheer this] "...Shut Up!"
*    "Kennedy's in the crowd. Hey, you come on up here and
     do _this_ and I'll introduce Candlebox..."
*    "I'm staying in the company of women from now on!...
     I'm not homosexual, but I'm trying..."
*    During the first song, the crowd kept bumping the mike
     stand, and ruined the vocal. CL said basically if it
     happened once more, the band was gonna walk, and don't
     think they wouldn't.
*    [apparently, some guy (aren't guys classy?) make some
     "bend over" comment from the audience, she said] "oh
     yeah, what are ya gonna do, huh? Come here [said in a
     nasty, not come-hither tone, with cocked finger]
     [needless to say, he shut up!]
Other Stuff
*    Courtney wore a black slip dress, with a red rose at
     the bosom, and the same kind of red rose in her hair.
*    She played a green guitar (not sure what kind) all
     night, then switched to a white Strat for the encore.
     Played Hungry Like the Wolf (by Duran Duran), then Rock
     Star, then stage dived, _with_ the guitar. While she
     was in (over?) the crowd, she was still wringing
     discordant sounds out of the guitar (now you know why
     she switched!). Very cool.
*    Toad's has almost no backstage area, so the band had to
     come through the crowd on the side. I happened to be
     right there, and overheard two people say something
     like "she's really messed up"..."Yeah, nothing a gram
     of coke wouldn't cure". This is BULLSHIT. She looked
     fine, and just walked past with some friends. Just
     walked past. No drama, no nothing. I'm no naif - I can
     tell if someone's really wasted or not, and she wasn't.
     It just shows how people can project their own shit
     onto others. Those people obviously _wanted_ her to be
     high, so they decided she must be. O brother.