Show: April 30, 1999
Taft Theater

Review by Amy J. Funk

I was so excited about seeing Hole again that I arrived 3 hours early. It paid off though because I was there when Courtney arrived and was invited along with my friend and three other girls down to her dressing room to get autographs. She wouldn't let us take pictures but I got to meet her.  I asked her how she was and she said good and smiled at me.  I was so excited I didn't know what else to say! When the show started, about 9:30 (after opening band Let's Crash) they opened with "violet". Courtney was wearing a light blue short dress, very classy. Her hair was short(shoulder length) and straight. Melissa had on a bustier/dress that looked very victorian. Eric had on black leather pants and a green shirt. Samantha had an orange shirt on and her hair in twisties. Everyone was very energetic and content. Courtney stood on top of the amp and moved around the stage (L to R) and attempted to get some guys in the front row to carry her on their shoulders. For some reason this didn't work and she commented that it was "an experiment". Before she got back on stage she stole some guy's hat and wore it for the rest of "malibu". The band sounded terrific, the songs were very well done. Eventually Courtney noticed a rude guy in the audience wearing a shirt with Kurt on it and she said something like, " Where do you get off wearing a picture of the father of my child?  Give it to me or I'll kick your ass! Come here!" Other guys were offering their shirts!  When they came out for the encore it was just Courtney and Eric and they did a very emotional version of "northern star". Courtney looked very torn while she sang it, and I noticed that she rubbed the tibetan beads (buddhist) hanging from her mike all through the song.  She wore a pretty pink dress that was partly sheer and you could see the "K" on her stomach. The rest of the band came out and played "It's all over now baby blue".When the band left the stage Courtney picked up her shoes (she played barefoot the whole show!) and Sam gave away her drum- sticks. Also, an awesome effect during the show-silver confetti and round red confetti flew everywhere during  a few songs-I found some down my shirt when I got home! The set was beautiful, pictures and designs on the back wall of the stage were a nice effect. I REALLY loved the show and now have a new appreciation of the "celebrity skin" album. If you like Hole and you haven't seen them live, now is the time!!! Awesome!!!