Thank you Colin ( for letting me use this review.

It was July 7, and after below mediocre performances by Big Wreck and Silverchair, Hole was prepared to take the stage. The mosh pit was a bit impatient to see them and amused themselves by throwing empty to full bottles of coke across the pit. All of a sudden, the haunting opening to Credit in the Straight World comes over the loudspeaker. The band runs out on Stage, first Samantha, then Melissa and Eric. The opening ends and Eric does the opening riff to Violet and Courtney walks on stage with a cordless mike singing. The mosh pit was really cool with about 50 people all crowdsurfing at once (no injuries, though a girl did have her skirt and thong removed while crowdsurfing). Next, Hole played Awful...After that i got kicked in the head and dont remember the exact order of all the songs but they did play the following:Awful, Reasons to be Beautiful, Malibu, Boys On the Radio, Heaven Tonight, Celebrity Skin, Northern Star, Dying (which featured an explosion of silver shiny things into the audience as the chorus kicked in...Melissa sang most of it), Miss World, Violet, Gutless, Pretty On The Inside, Doll Parts, and Good Sister/Bad Sister (i think). they also played about 5 covers. it was a really excellent show. And to top it all off, Courtney finally succumbed to the males (myself included) calls of "SHOW US YOUR TITS" and did in fact show us her tits right after (ironically) Celebrity Skin. One tit also fell out while she was playing a cover, but we dont actually count that. And she also, once again much to the males delight, kissed Melissa full on the lips in the middle of Dying. During one song, she pulled a lucky woman (who was 4 feet away from me) onto the stage and gave her a guitar. So to top it all off, Hole was amazing and saved the entire day at Edgefest.

On a Hole related topic..After the Winnipeg show, Courtney and friends were on their way to Calgary for the next Edgefest date when a car accident occured in front of them on the road.. Courtney got out of the van and helped the family get out of their car and gave the CPR and offered them places to sleep on the tour bus. 3 cheers for Courtney.

QUOTED FROM WINNIPEG SUN Reporter to victims; Did she (C.L) seem very nice?
Victims; She didnt seem very nice. She WAS very nice.

Thank you Andrea Anderson (

I actually had the unbelievable pleasure of seeing my favourite band last July. I remember July 7 as the happiest day of my life! I drove a few hours with my best friends to make it to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada a day before the festival began (EdgeFest '99--hosted by MuchMusic) The next morning we finally made it to the show, where we saw Big Wreck, Moist, Silverchair, Finger 11, and Hole play! Hole was last to perform around 10:30 I believe. Anyways, when the stage lights came on, and the marijuana started flowing, I knew that I was in for the official time of my life! I could hear the classic Hole anthem playing, and then suddenly the members of the band sneaked on to stage as a loud roar from us die hard fans let out! (apparently the look on my face was like nothing that my friends had ever seen before, a look of complete bliss that I couldn't manage shaking!) Courtney bellowed something out then immediately started to play "Awful" which was amazing to me because "Awful" is one of my faithful favourite songs! then more songs while I sat just behind the mosh pit avoiding getting beaten down and just mellowing out to Courtney's soft yet rock lyrics! Courtney would chat with us between songs, smoke a cigarette during a song, talk to Melissa about anything while she had a second to spare, and most of all clime all over the amps and speakers! i liked this because I am mildly short and I could see Courtney from head to toe, and this was shattering to me! During the start/middle of "Dying" I whispered to my friend Kathleen "why would they play this song, it is sort of quiet and depressing, we should be rocking!" and then at one point of the song, they just souped it up, making the loudest bang, then silver tinfoil pieces blew into the mosh pit at rapid speeds with infinate numbers, it was like floating for a few brief seconds, litterally a hush fell over the croud! I scrambled to the ground to pick some up to save as small memorabilia! I shoved them into my purse. About ten songs past then they were 'finished' and I said to my friend Jennifer "How can they go without playing "Celebrity Skin" no this isn't happening?!" and the croud screamed for them to return, and naturally they did to play two more euphoric songs for us, including "Celebrity Skin" now my day was completely perfect! and that's about it, the day that I will always remember! PS-oh yeah Melissa bagged Courtney to flash us, and of course she did, and so I have actually seen Courtney Love's rack in person, special eh?