Edgefest - July 9, 1999 - Calbary, AB, Canada This review was written and contributed by Alisha Dowling (alishadowling@hotmail.com).

Edgefest - July 9 - Calgary, AB, Canada
By Alisha

The whole day I couldn't wait for Hole to play. Just waiting until 9:05. Around quarter to 9 me and a couple of friends went to the mosh pit to get in the front. There was this old man behind us that was sooo drunk and he was tapping people's heads in front of us and telling them to move out of our way. It was crazy you just had to be there! Then the curtain dropped & it was red velvet (the curtains in old movie theaters) and on the top was the design of the gold crown and maple leaf.

My friend and I started singing Happy Birthday to Courtney, to get them on stage. Then finally at 9:05 Eric walks out I dont remember what he was wearing but he had a cowboy hat on, then Melissa she was wearing this cowgirl get up cause if you know calgary really it is known as SUCH a hick city and it was during the stampede so she was wearing a jean skirt with a cowboy hat and badana around her neck, I didnt really get to see Samantha but I am pretty sure she had a cowboy hat on too. Then Courtney came on with a skin coloured dress with a daisy on the front with a black cowboy hat which she threw 2 minutes after she got onstage.(there is a pick of what she was wearing in a recent people magazine)

They started off with Violet then she saw a couple girls that were getting trampled on in the pit so she told them to come on stage then she went straight into awful. It was all such a blur since I was so extatic from then on but I'll tell you what I remember in different pieces. during some pauses Eric would play country music on his guitar and Courtney would sing a country song in this twangy voice it was awesome. Then at one point she started yelling at all the boys in the pit saying "Why are all you cowboys being so mean to your fellow cowgirls" or something like that and getting mad at everyone for moshing because it was 1999 almost the year 2000 and moshing is totally out of style, then a guy screamed out YOU USED TO MOSH and she replied " that was years ago my boy" Then shes like I'll give you permission to mosh to this song and started playing Use Once and Detroy.

They played Pretty On the Inside and Doll Parts I cant even remember what else they played I was so excited. Then they alll left stage and everyone started singing happy birthday to Courtney again and a couple minutes later Courtney and Eric came out,Courtney was smoking and they did a beautiful job of Northern Star, Courtney was staring up at the sky most of the time. After the song Melissa and Sam came from backstage with a huge cake and put one of the Missamerica sashes around Courtney and a crown on her head and Melissa went in the mic and got the crowd singing happy Birthday . Courtney was all embarassed putting her hand over her face and after the song she showed everyone the cake and it said something about her being 22 or 23 and she was saying something about how this topped it off and was better than flashing her tits. She shared her cake with the crowed then threw the rest at us and got back onstage and started playing again. The last song was Celebrity Skin and they had glitters blown out over us and they ended and walked off stage and Eric came to the edge of the stage and was acting like such a goof pretending to through his guitar at us and then Melissa was talking to some manager guy telling him to bring this girl backstage and gave everyone pics. It was the best Performance I had ever seen!!! HOLE IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!

• Hole also played "Paradise City" (G'n'R), and Courtney sang "It's My Party & I'll Cry if I Want To"