Eric Erlandson was in Hole from the beginning. Courtney Love placed an add in a newspaper, and Eric answered it. Here's a quote from him about meeting Courtney:

"She called me up and talked my ear off and I was like 'Who the hell was that?' " "We met at this coffee shop, and I saw her and I thought, 'Oh, God oh no, what am I getting myself into?' She grabbed me and started talking, and she's like 'I know you're the right one!' And I hadn't even opened my mouth yet."

Eric did most of the guitar work on Live Through This, while Courtney concentrated on the vocals. He dated Courtney Love a long time ago. He also dated former Hole bassist Kristen Pfaff. When she died, it was requested that the members of Hole not attend her funeral, but Eric went anyways. It's more well-known that he had a relationship with Drew Barrymore for a while, but they broke up and now he might be dating some actress.

Eric was born on January 9th, 1963, in L.A. This makes him a Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Cancer, & Capricorn rising. ("We're all very astrologically aware," according to Melissa.) His father is the former dean of Loyla Marymount. He was raised as a Catholic, but is currently a Buddhist. He attended Loyla Marymount.

His musical influences include Sonic Youth, Kiss, Aerosmith, and the Velvet Underground.

Prior to joining Hole, Eric once worked for Capitol records.

Eric is known as the "glue that holds the band together."

Men In Rock - Eric Erlandson
excerpt from Jane

Hole's Eric Erlandson
Age: 36
Did you have to work harder to get where you are because you're a man? "Yeah, I just dream of the day when it's dollar-per-dollar in my band. I get 48 cents for Courtney Love's dollar."
What's your favorite fashion accessory? "Armlets made by cutting the toes off socks."
How do you cope on a bad-hair day? "It's usually because it's too clean, so I put Kiehl's Silk Groom in or something."
So you're a product man? "I don't put on base or anything. I'm not like Marilyn Manson, where they walk around and take their little compacts with them everywhere."
Is it difficult being a man in rock today? "What the hell are you talking about?"