This page was originally started as a for sale page, where people emailed me with a list of things they had for sale and I put it on here. It has since then become a page where people emailed me with a list of things they WANT and I put it on here. If you are looking for something and think someone else can help you out, email me and I'll put you on here.


Hanna ( is looking for the Miss World single. is looking for Hole live at Brixton Academy, London in 1995, 1999 or both. She has Hole videos to trade and Silverchair. To view her list click here.

grrrl star ( is looking for Amethyst Skies and Asking For It (on c.d.-r).

If you have the May 4th show, please contact email Dani.

If you have the May 16th show, please email Taylor.

If you have the May 16th show, please email Dan. He will trade OR pay money for it.

If you have the June 1999 show at Hultsfred Festival, please email

If you have the July 2nd Edgefest show, please email Ashley.

Anything except the LP's - Tim

Softer, Softest, Miss World singles - Dan

May 1 1999, at the Nautica Stage in Cleveland,OH - Chris

A show from '90, '91, '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, and '99 - Veronica

May, 26th 1999, at the State Theater in Detroit,MI -

May 16, 1999, at Orpheum in Boston, MA - Dan will trade OR pay money for it.

Taylor is looking for the above show. If you have it, please email her.

July 2, 1999, Barrie (Edgefest) -

"Amethyst Skies" - Ashley

"Glass Houses" - Ashley

"Something Must Break" - Ashley


I am looking for the Gutless UK Radio Sessions.

"Sugar and Spice" - Courtney Barbour

VIDEO is looking for any Hole video where they played "Cum on Feel the Noize" (5/18/99)

Video: July 8, 1995

If you have the July 8, 1995 Lollapalooza video please email

Linda from Linda's Doll Spirit Nirvana & Hole Page also emailed me about the July 8, 1995 Lollapalooza video. If you have it, please help her out. She has tons of bootlegs, audio and video, to trade.

Video: Misc.

Veronica is looking for all of Hole's music videos recorded onto one tape.