Hole Stories

Met Hole? Have an interesting story pertaining to the band? Email me, and you can have it posted on this page.

One of my dad's friends had two backstage passes,one for himself and one for somebody else,i was there with my sister,so we had to take turns to go backstage,if we didn't i would have stayed back there all day. I went back there and all the bands were outside of their little cabins,i was very excited to see all the members from every band,but i was a little dissapointed because i couldn't see any members from hole. You know when you see a star you don't notice them at first glance, so i kept looking around, and to my surprise, as i turn around,i see Courtney,Melissa,and Eric standing in front of where they were staying,as i decided to go over there and ask for their autographs courtney went back inside (damn it),but mel,and eric were still there, I stood there acting casual and melissa was talking to this other guy but she was right beside me (she's even prettier in person) when she looked at me I asked her if she would sign my piece of paper, she said "Sure! But I don't Have a pen" so i got the pen that was out of my backpack and gave it to her so she could sign. She asked me what was my name and i told her and then she told me to enjoy the show and i told her i will. Here's what she wrote, "Chantale,Rock Canada for me,Melissa Auf der Maur". She was so sweet. Then i asked her if courtney could come out and sign and she told me that she just went inside and so then i decided to try Eric and so she told eric " Can you come over here and sign this young girl's paper when you have the time?" He was talking to someone else so he didn't come right away. As she was leaving she told him again to come over here and sign and waved to me soo nicely as if she would see me again. He came and looked really nice and just plainly signed his name "eric erlandson (he put the "i" with a little heart). he also said bye and smiled and then i left feeling very happy. I still wish i could have met courtney but atleast i met some of the wonderful members of Hole. And then later on in the night i went to see them.
Written by Chantal (miya@isys.ca)