my glowing reviews.....

Dear owners of this site,
What was the point of this web site? To pick the
butt-ugliest pictures of not, Hole, but only Courtney
Love, and display them for all to see? This is not even
a Hole site, this is a Bad Courtney Love Picture web
site. It blows. That is all I can say for your sorry
An angered veiwer of your s*it assed site
Ps.-->learn how to use a scanner

what is this thing called hole? what is hole? who is
courtney love? i hear she worships the devil and is
a crackwhore..............poo-pooooooooooooooooooooooo.
thank-you, now lets get stoned. oh by the way, if you
are a guy, you are a flaming homosexual....its the
truth (trust me, its better that you find out from me
than from your girlfriend)

You site sucks ass. Half of your links are down.
