"It's all about music for me. The lyrics I write come out of my own experiences. It's therapy to write even if it's not for publication. Also, the most important thing is being honest. No matter what, at least I wake up and know I've been honest. That's the most important factor in human life." --Courtney

"This is the best song ever written." --Courtney, before playing Hungry Like The Wolf

You guys don't admit it, but you all had Echo & The Bunnymen records.." --Courtney after playing Do It Clean

"Here's the first Mudhoney song we ever ripped off - i mean the Nirvana song we ever ripped off, go." --Courtney before playing Teenage Whore.

"Stop that f*cking Nin techno influence.. Five days with Nine Inch Nails does not make you a man, I'm sorry.." --Courtney

"What're you going to do it if i do bend over?".. "C'mon, i haven't seen one in, oh, two days.".. "The last one i saw was on a rock god and boy, was it teeny." --Courtney, after a guy in the audience shouted, "Bend over!"

"Taking a F*CKING smoke break, I am!" --Courtney after Credit In The Straight World

"There's that goddamn buzzing again!" --Courtney

"If you like it, fuck you. If you hate it, fuck you." --Courtney Love on Celebrity Skin

"I was prepared to do my 'hemp is good, fur is bad' speech, but.. yawn." --Courtney Love, VH1 Fashion Awards

"Yeah. Can I tell you why? Every actor I've met wants to be a musician, but every musician i know is really glad they are a musician. It's fun and it's moving and it touches people. I like my job." --Courtney, when asked if her heart still belonged to music

"I think it's very baby boomer to put me and Kurt in the position of Sid and Nancy or John and Yoko because we were neither. We were definitely our own people." --Courtney

The people of our generation who are slackers are the ones who come from middle-class backgrounds rather than hippie backgrounds. Our value system is to go away and do it until it's done, because we saw our parents half- finish the painting one too many times." --Courtney

"Free us from Nancy Spungen-fixated, heroin assholes who cling to our greatest rock bands and suck out their brains." --Julian Cope, referring to Courtney

"Only about a quarter of what Courtney says is true. But nobody usually bothers to decipher which are the lies. She's all about image." --Kat Bjelland

"We could have been the next Beatles.. We really could have. But Kat had other ideas - we had a couple of arguments." --Courtney, on the band Sugar Baby Doll

"I was just trying to find someone who wouldn't bore me to death. I always found men in bands particularly attractive, right up to the day when I picked up a guitar for the first time." --Courtney

"Try going up to a guy in leather pants and saying, ' Will you drum in a band with me?' They fucking laugh at you." --Courtney, on Hole being predominantly female

"The main aim was to get as big as Sonic Youth or The Pixies, but you couldn't get as big as Jane's Addiction - those were the rules." --Courtney

"We just wrote a song called 'Dicknail'. It's an anti- misogynist anthem. It has a verse about rape, it has a verse about incest, it has a verse about - OK, it's a male-bashing song! No, it's not.." --Courtney

"I thought I was going to be more famous than Kurt. That was pretty obvious to me. When I first went out with Kurt, Pretty On The Inside was outselling Nirvana's debut album Bleach by two to one." --Courtney

"If you [the press] lie about us, I will hit you, Kurt will shoot you, and we both will sue." --Courtney

"I lived out my little rock'n'roll fantasy. I just wish I hadn't gotten into so much trouble for it." --Courtney