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Glossary of Armour Terms

A flat plate of leather or parchment which tied to the point of the shoulder. Worn between 1250-1350 to display the owner's coat of arms.
A padded and quilted garment, usually of linen, worn under or instead of plate or mail.
Fifteenth century helmet of Italian origin consisting a skull, two hinged cheek pieces which lock at the front, and a visor.
Arming doublet
Quilted garment worn under armour from the early fifteenth century, equipped with points to attach mail gussets and pieces of armour.
Arming points
Ties(usually of flax or twine) by which armour was secured in place.
A curtain of mail attached by means of staples(vervelles) around the base of a helmet(especially the basinet), and coverin the shoulders. Also called camail(a French term).
Back Plate
Piece of plate armour protecting the back half of the torso.
A high bevor with a falling lame containing eyeslits; used in Spain.
Also called barbute, barbuta. An open-faced shoulder-length Itallian helmet, made in one piece, with a T-shaped face opening. Barbuta is the Itallian term.
A full horse armour, which could include a shaffron, crinet, peytral, crupper and flanchards.
Also called bascinet, basinet. An open-faced helmet with a globular or conical skull enclosing the sides of the face and neck. Usually worn with and aventail, and occasionally a visor.
Bellows Visor
A modern term for a visor with horizontal ridges, such as on 'Maximilian' German fluted armours of the early sixteenth century.
Defensive circular plate suspended over the wearer's armpit.
Also called bavier or buffe. A chin-shaped defense for the lower face, incorporating a gorget plate. The buffe was an early sixteenth century variant, worn strapped to an open-faced helmet such as the burgonet.
Also called byrnie. A mail shirt. See also hauberk.
Bishop's Mantle
Modern term for the cape of mail worn(largely in Germany) in the early sixteenth century.
An oxidized blue surface on plate armour, produced through heat treatment.
The notch cut in the top(dexter) corner of a shield, to rest the lance when jousting.
Early fourteenth century form of defence for the lower arm; also a term for an archer's arm guard to protect the forearm from the bowstring.
Breast Plate
Piece of armour that protects the front of the torso.
Holes or slits in the visor of a helmet or the lames of a falling buff or bevor, for ventilation; also usually permitting a degree of etra vision.
A flexible body defence consisting of a large number of metal plates riveted inside a cloth covering.
Small round shield carried by infantry.
see bevor and falling buffe.
A light, open-faced helmet popular in the sixteenth century as an alternative to the close-helmet for light cavalry. It was usually furnished with a peak over the brow, a combed skull, and hinged ear pieces. The face opening could be closed with the addition of a falling buffe.
see birnie.
A type of Spanish war hat(popular thoughout fifteenth century Europe) with a turned-down brim and an almond-shaped skull ending in a stalk. See also morion.
see also morion.
see aventail
Individual plate armour defence, of tubular form, for the upper and lower arm. See also vambrace and rerebrace.
A method(described in the twelth century treatise 'De Diversis Atibus' by Theophilus the Monk) for surface hardening wrought iron(or low carbon steel) by packing it in charcoal or other organic material and heating it for hours above 900 degrees Celsius.
Casque, casquetal
A light open helmet; usually late fifteeth to mid-sixteenth century helmets of 'antique' form, such as Italian parade 'casques' of the mid-sixteenth century, embossed with grotesques or fashioned in the classical style. These were often similiar in shape to the burgonet.
Open-faced Italian sallet, common in the fifteenth century.
Steel skull cap.
see shaffron
Chapel de Fer
Also called a kettle hat. A simple open-faced helmet with a wide brim.
The hinged staple or bolt that secured the fourteenth century helm or great basinet to the breast and backplate.
Mail protection for the legs, either in the form of mail hose or strips of mail laced round the front of the leg.
Helmet which, with a full visor and bevor, completely encloses the head and face; modern use of the term tends to refer not to helmets with hinged cheek-pieces opening at the front(the armet) but visored helmets pivoting open on bolts or rivets each side of the skull. Contemporary usage, however, makes no such distinction.
Coat armour
A quilted garment worn over armour in the fourteenth century.
Coat of fence
Also called fence, jack, or brigandine. A doublet or tunic lined with small metal plates or, more rarely, just padded with stuffing of tow. See also brigandine and jack.
Coat of plates
Also called a pair of plates or simply plates. A cloth garment with a number of large plates riveted inside, worn in the fourteenth century.
Fabirc covering for the groin, latterly padded. Its counter part in armour could be either mail or, more usually, plate.
A hood, usually of mail; by the twelfth century it often incorporated a Ventail.
see gorget
The keel-shaped ridge, often very pronounced, that passes from front to back of a helmet over the skull, conferrig extra strength and rigidity and contributing to its glancing surfaces. In the mid-sixteenth century, the combs of morio helmets were raised and enloarged to an excessive height for 'fashionable' reasons.
Also spelt corselet. A light half-armour popular in the sixteennth century for general military use(for example, town guards). It consisted of a gorget, breast, back and tassets, full arms and guantlets; the term can also be applied to the cuirass only.
Also spelt cowter. Plate defence for the elbow.
Defence for a horse's neck.
Defence for a horse's rump.
A heraldric recognitive device fixed to the top of the great helm, introduced in the second half of the thirteenth and in wide use by the fourteenth century.
Also called pair of curates. A backplate and breastplate designed to be worn together.
Elbow Cop
Piece of armour covering the elbow.
Fan Plate
Projection from an elbow or knee cop designed to prevent a blow from wrapping around and landing in the joint.
Piece of armour protecting the throat. May be a simple collar or a more elaborate design composed of several pieces.
Mail protection for the abdamen. Usually in the shape of a shirt extending down a little below the waist. It may or may not cover the arms.
Knee Cop
Piece of armour covering the knee.
Piece of armour covering the shoulder. Usually large, covering the upper 1/3 of the torso.
Piece of armour covering the upper arm from the elbow to the shoulder.
Piece of armour covering the foot.
Piece of armour covering the shoulder joint. Not as large as a pauldron.
Piece of armour covering the lower arm from the wrist to the elbow.

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