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About Me

My name is Ryan Griswold, I've been making chainmail for the past 7 year. I have made a sleeve less haurberk (shirt), 2 full coifs, a 14 gauge 3/8 in glove, two 17 guage 1/4 in gloves, and a whole lot of jewelry. I presently own a 4 in 1 hauberk, a japenese hexagon hauberk, a full coif, and a whole lot of jewelry. I sell more patterns of Chainmail than I have seen anywhere else. These styles include; 4 in 1, 6 in 1, 2 in 1, 4 in 2, 6 in 3, King's Maile, Saxon Twist, Double Saxon Twist (Db saxon twist), Folded 4, Jappanesse Hexagon (Jap Hex), Etruscan, and Inverted 4. There are only two other patterns that I am aware that I'm not selling (I am capable of making them I just choose not to) these two patterns are oriental which personally I think it is to weak and 8 in 1 which is just to dense to work with. If you have some pictures of patterns please E-mail me at

I buy the wire at Feldmans by the quarter mile for around $15, which is a good buy compared to some of the others like; Buider's Square, or Ace who sell them by the 100 ft for $5.

I live in Kansas City, Missouri, I started making chainmail from a friend of mine named Eric Walker (who has a juggling page called Airflite) than later on by another friend of mine named Chris Williams (who has a page for his band Skydog). The first pattern I learned was Saxon Twist using two $7 pliars I had recently bought at Radio Shack and 14 gauge galvanized steel that I bought at Builder's Square for $5. To wrap the coils I used a metal lathe with a 3/8 in bar, but you can also use a metal tool box with a hole on both sides going long ways with a 3/8 in bar sticking through it, than you can use a drill to turn the bar.

After I mastered Saxon Twist I went to 4 in 1 after that I learned the rest over time. I am currently working with both 3/8 inch 14 gauge, and 1/4 inch 17 guage.
