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Ode to Foil

'First Outside Inside Last':
A phrase I learned in math years past.
It was my shortcut to factoring,
almost every quadratic string.

Oh what fun
it'd found for me.
Without it I don't know
where I'd now be.

Cause little did I know,
what consequences show.
But now I realize,
how I've used it all my life.

When I was so much younger,
elementary, I think.
We'd go outside to recess
after everyone had gotten a drink.

I was always first outside
and also inside last.
Always ready to go outside
Hating to go inside
after recess had long passed.

But oh those few more seconds each day
I saw the sunshine bright,
helped to keep me going
and not to lose my sight.

Years later I remember
eating cookies with my brother.
He smiled at me,
and with his OREOs did no other

Than take the icing filling
from the middle of each,
And put it on one cookie,
rarely within his reach.

"What's that you're doing Matt?" I asked.
"Eat them first outside, then inside last!"
He claimed, "They are better that way."
And that is how I eat OREOs to this very day.

Many of life's little pleasures
come from words like these.
It depends upon you,
on exactly what you see.

But there is a simple lesson
to this story all.
Math plays a role in the world,
no matter how big or small.

In my mind there is,
a phrase permanently cast;
Always to remember:
'First Outside Inside Last'.

© 1999 Shannon Danielle Gower. All Rights Reserved.