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Who Am I?

My name is Max Overton, aged 50 years and still going strong.
I was born in Malaysia to an English Colonel in the British Army
and a beautiful English lady born in India. We lived in Germany,
Jamaica, England and New Zealand. I made Australia my home 
almost ten years ago and am now a citizen.

What Do I Do?

I am a teacher/tutor at James Cook University. I teach Biology, which
embodies Zoology, Botany, Entomology, Physics, Geology and Chemistry.
My passion is for collecting butterflies, which I have done since early

Where Do I Live?

I enjoy the warm, balmy weather of Queensland, Australia but I consider
myself a citizen of the world.

What My Life Is Like?

I am finding life much more exciting, fulfilling and happy in my second 50
years than in my first 50! I am engaged to a beautiful American lady, Sherry,
and we plan on being married in July of 1999.

Max and Sherry

Max Overton and his fiancee, Sherry, in Australia.
Ready for another wild butterfly hunt in the rainforest!

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