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Safety First!

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Observe Simple Lab Rules

Sensible Footwear (no thongs or open-toed sandals) MUST be worn in the laboratory
at all times.
Long hair should be fastened back out of the way of chemicals and bunsen burners.
Lab coats or old clothes are optional, but are encouraged. some of the substances you
encounter will stain or corrode.
Safety glasses will be provided where necessary.
Keep your workspace as tidy as possible. bags should be kept on the floor.
When using chemicals provided for the whole class, carry your container to the chemical
source rather than bringing the source to your bench.
Clean up after yourself. Wash dirty glassware or place in the clean-up area if so
Place broken glass in the bin provided, and other sharp materials (scalpel blades etc) in
the "sharps" bin.
If you injure yourself, see a Tutor IMMEDIATELY.
Report any spills of chemicals or any accidents to the Tutor AT ONCE.
Do not attempt to repair faulty lamps or power points. Bring any such malfunctions to
the attention of the Tutor.
Never run in the laboratory or indulge in horseplay.
All rubbish (other than glass or sharps) is to be placed in the general rubbish bins

Max Overton

SC1301   Biology    Biochemistry   Chemistry    Geology   Physics