The first time I met them My thought was WOW they're all nice... This was at a Meet and Greet and I was so excited to be any where near the guys I barely stood still... I didn't talk with them much if at all and I definatley didn't talk with Scott, he had a group of girls around him. I've met them a few other times and Now I think that..
Clint and Dave
are the nicest and if you want to talk with any of them they're the ones who you should try to talk to... They were nice and sweet to me.. Now I'm not saying that Scott and Bob aren't nice guys and I'm not saying that I know for sure that Clint and Dave will be angles.. 'cuase the truth is they're teenage guys and well they're just plain unpredictable if you haven't noticed... it's just Bob didn't seem to care that I was talking to him and he ignored the fact that I was alive and talked with his brothers instead..Now I'll give him the Benefit maybe he didn;t hear me veery single time I talked to him.. Or Maybe he just didn't care.. LoL.. Whatever Life goes on.. Rejection can't be that bad.. Ohh wait YES it can... Scott on the other hand only talked to me when I talked nasty to him..*It's my talent LoL* (some people are good at math this is my strong point J/K) Ne ways.. THere's not much more to be said...Just that they're really talented "Teenage" Guys.. and well as the saying goes Boys will be boys...So if they're not nice to you.. That's thier loss.. RIGHT... And if they're snobby and rude that means something I really couldn't tell you what.. Guys are like a different species I haven't got them totally figured out yet but when I do I'll let ya know.. Well that there's enough of my Blah blahing.. For Now.. *Evil grinz* I'll be back...