- Korean: Moffatts euh sa rang hae
- Chinese: Moffatts Wo Aie
- Taiwanese: Moffatts Wa Aie (Kinda similar to chinese)
- Japanese: Moffatts ga dai suki
- French: J'adore Moffatts
- Spanish: Me gusta Moffatts
- Thai: Chan rak Moffatts
- Indian: Moffatts main tumse pyar karti houn
- Tagalog (Philipino): Paborito ko ang Moffatts
- Burmese: Moffatts ro tet khayat tae
- German: Ich Liebe Moffatts
- Indonesian: Cya Cinta Moffatts
- Thae Jiew (Chines dialect): Ooua (pronounced: ooy-wa) sia Moffatts
- Pig Latin: Iway ovelay offattsmay (Hehehe)
- Oppish:opI lop-ove Mop-ffop-atts
- Mofflatin: Ioff oveloff hetloff offattsmoff !! (this is my made up on for rules on how to learn how to speak & write it e-mail me at ...)
Email: fortj@hotmail.com