Buddy's Photo Album

What a beautiful creature. Buddy's real name is "Shiloh". He is the result of years of cross-breeding Wolves, Siberian Huskies and Malamutes. He is about 50% wolf, Russian Red Wolf and Arctic White Wolf, and 50% Siberian Husky. His father was the Wolf mix, his mother was the pure-bred Siberian Husky. When Buddy was about a year old I started breeding him to a Malamute/Mackenzie Valley Timberwolf cross, that I had, named Sierra. They had about 6 litters together. Buddy turned 7yrs. old in Dec. of 2002 and weighs 94.5 lbs. at present. SAD NOTE: Buddy developed mouth cancer that was very, very aggressive. I did all I could, but he passed away Sept. 16, 2003.

Buddy at 4wks. old and howling already

What a little porker!

One of Buddy and Sierra's litters

I think this was about the 3rd litter they had together. See how many pups you can count.

One of Buddy and Sierra's litters

This is Buddy and Sierra waiting in the whelping box for her to deliver a litter. Buddy loves being a dad and he's amazing at it.

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