Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, I-Ching, Palmistry , etc.

For most of my life, I was involved in all of these practices and much more. I looked at Christians and saw mostly hypocrites so I figured there must be something more, something else. What I didn't know was, that in Christianity, you are to look at Jesus Christ as your example, not each other. Also, I realised that all of us are hypocrites at one time or another.

I believe that the reason people get involved in the New-Age Religion is because there is no accountability. In the New-Age, there is sequence and consequence. The belief that life just tumbles on in some mysterious, unplanned order. What goes around comes around is the rule of the day. All you have to do is appear to be a nice person and you've done well.

But, what is a nice person? Where do we get the guidelines for our behavior? Answer: The Holy Scriptures; GOD's rulebook.

Who are we accountable to and why?

The twist in Satan's attempt to make his own religion starts out with teaching our only accountability is to ourselves. In our rebellious and irresponsible world, we don't want to be obedient to anyone. GOD has given us the free will to make whatever choice we want. What people don't get is that GOD's rules for our life are for us, not to burden us. Did you get that? They are 'for' us, not against us. They help us to have a good life.

All religions are based on some part of GOD's truth and His commandments. The devil,as Lucifer, has actually lived in the presence of GOD. He knows more about the Bible and the history of our world than any of us do. He did not respect GOD and he did not want to obey him. He wanted to do his own thing. He became proud. GOD limited him. HE wouldn't let him do the ultimate thing, which is to create life. Now,his only desire is to destroy life.

What he does, to divert us from the True and Living GOD, is to take a little of GOD's truth and add in a little of his lies and deception. This creates a new religion, his religion, one that he is the ruler of. One simple thing thar many people don't realize is that the devil has supernatural powers. He can and does make amazing things happen. Much of what he does looks good, at first. That's just the bait. Are we to be fools like the fishes? When we go fishing we don't throw a bowl of worms out there for the fish to have lunch on. No, we put one juicy little worm on a hook and throw it in and the hungry fish grabs it. Unfortunately for the fish, he then becomes lunch. This is how the devil works. He does one mysterious thing and people are hooked into believing in things that, if they gave them serious thought, would seem ridiculous. When I believed in all the occult/New-Age stuff, I didn't realize how ridiculous and stupid it all was. I quite honestly have to say, I was an idealistic fool, a hungry fish.

There is a type of subconscious hypnotism that happens when you delve into these things. If you open the door of belief, your mind becomes more pliable. If this belief is in something false, you most likely won't recognize it. This is how the devil works. It is a web of deceit, spun to entrap the vulnerable.

Satan is clever, conniving and devious. He is also a coward of the lowest magnitude. He will always pick on the poorest (and I don't mean monitarily) of souls. The young, the sick, the grieved, the lost are his easiest prey. And he is a preditor. GOD does not work this way. He does not force himself on you. He only wants you if you come willingly. The devil wants you any way he can get you and his bag of tricks is unending.

When I found in the Bible that what I was doing was an abomination to GOD, it just devastated me. Abomination is a very strong word and it hit me deep in my heart. I didn't want to be an abomination to GOD. That is an horrible, horrible thing. A lifetime of allegiance to the devil's false religions was thrown into the garbage, and a new life was born in me. The difference truly is like night and day. (click on the link "My Story")

In many places in the Bible you can find that these types of fortune telling tactics are all abominations to God and the invention of the devil to steal souls from GOD.

DEUTERONOMY 18: 10-12 "There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or daughter pass through the fire or that uses divination (spells, charms, dark spiritual powers), or an observer of times (astrology, numerology, tarot, fortune telling), or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer (hypnotist), or a consultant with familiar spirits (psychic channeling, seancing), or a wizard (male witch and magician), or a necromancer (communicator with the dead). For all that do these things are an abomination to God"

Under the link "What does the Holy Bible say" you will find more scriptures pertaining to the occult/New-Age.

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The truth about Halloween
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Fortune Telling
Channeling and Seances-What the Bible says about speaking with the dead.
Is the soul immortal?