The Gift of Tongues



The gift of tongues was given to the Apostles during Pentecost in Jerusalem. The town was full of devout Jews from many different nations, speaking many different tongues or languages.

When they heard the Galilaeans speaking in each of their languages, they were marveled.

The only time speaking in tongues is addressed otherwise is in 1 Corinthians 13 & 14.

Paul is speaking to the Church of Corinth. Corinth was a maritime city filled with many people from many different nations. This was a problem for the Church of Corinth because the church was filled with eager worshipers who spoke many different languages. When several started speaking at once, there was great confusion. Paul instructed them to only speak if there was someone present who could interpret to the rest so all could be edified or taught. If there was no interpreter present they were instructed to keep quiet; pray in their heart and their understanding. If they prayed in a foreign language the others didn't understand, the others would not know if they should agree or if they would be blessed.

The only time speaking in tongues is a "gift" from the Holy Spirit is when it is necessary to communicate the gospel to someone in your presense who speaks another language. Tongues means languages; recognizable and necessary in order to communicate.

When the Bible talks about praying in the spirit, it means in your heart, silently so as not to distract others around you who do not speak your language. 1 Corinthians 14:14 - "For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit (note small letters not caps, this means in my heart) prayeth, but my understanding (my meaning)is unfruitful. What Paul is saying is my prayer is not understood or fruitful to others hearing me. The scripture is not talking about some unrecognizable babbling that you don't understand. The "gift of tongues" is strickly for teaching someone of another language. All else is vain babbling from the devil, Satan.

The so-called gift of tongues sweeping the nation today is false tongues. This is the result of false doctrine and vain prayers. When a person prays for one of these gifts of the Holy Spirit for their own glorification and satisfaction, as proof of their exaulted position with GOD, that is a vain prayer and opens the door for Satan to deceive them with nonsense babbling. They don't know what they are saying and there is no one present who speaks that language to be edified (taught). It is vain babbling, a way of "showing off" their spirituality. Now, I'm not saying they are not sincere Christians. I believe there are many who really love GOD and have just fallen for this very convincing deception because of how it makes them feel. However, if you are doing this, you could and probably are cursing GOD in the foulest way. But, because you are deceived and Satan makes you feel wonderfully spiritual while doing it, he makes you think it could only be from GOD ALMIGHTY. I assure you, if you are supernaturally speaking in an unknown language and you don't know what you are saying and no one present is being taught by it, you are being possessed by a demon and speaking in false tongues. Read that last sentence again.

Ask yourself this question: How would I feel if I could only speak in this strange tongue forever; never again being able to communicate with another human being?

Three other points to consider: One: In the verse in the Bible following Paul's instruction on tongues he says tongues are for UNBELIEVERS, NOT BELIEVERS. The tongues being spoken in most of the churches today, especially in America, are spoken of as a sign to believers; to prove you have a special relationship with GOD. The Bible says just the opposite. Second: In the Bible, tongues are used to increase the communication of the Gospel. In the churches today, as soon as tongues are used, the communication is instantly broken down and confusion and emotionalism take over. The opposite of the true gift of tongues. Third: In the scriptures, Paul, in Cor. 13 says, "Though (meaning 'even if') I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, ...and though I give my body to be burned and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. He did not speak in the language of angels, he did not give away all his possessions, nor did he give his body to be burned. He is trying to make a point by using hypothesy. Also, in Cor. 14, Paul orated extensively on speaking in tongues or unknown languages (unknown because you are a foreigner to the people in your presence).

I know how hard it is to give up these things that seem so much like they are from GOD; they feel like a bonding between you and the GOD you love. But don't you see how crafty the devil is? I know how hard it is to believe that the devil can deceive you, yes, even you, this way; that he can make you feel so joyfully connected with the GOD you love, but he can and he does. Please remember that you CANNOT TRUST YOUR FEELINGS. You can only trust the truth which is to be found in GOD's word, with a sincere heart, remembering that pleasing GOD is more important than anything else. If you are speaking in this unknown tongue, if you have been taught that this is a sign of your superior standing with GOD, if you have heard the term "slain in the spirit" or "baptized by the Holy Ghost" as referring to this babbling; PLEASE, I beg you, I challenge you, step out in true unrelenting faith and study these scriptures again. Ask GOD to make you truly willing to be willing to give up all for GOD. Ask GOD to open your eyes and show you if this is a deception. Throw yourself before the living GOD and show Him you want only to walk in His complete will and that you are willing to give up anything to be pleasing and acceptible in His sight. The feeling of exstasy you receive with the false tongues will be something you may have a hard time wanting to give up, but remember what I said earlier about cursing GOD. I know you would never, ever want to do that consciously. But, if you are speaking in an unknown tongue, the devil is causing you to do exactly that and he is loving it. Please be willing to walk away. If you truly believe that these unknown tongues are from GOD, then you should have the courage and the conviction and the integrity to take another look at the scriptures and study it over and over with the opposite point of view until you are convinced of the truth. You have to love the truth more than anything else, because the truth is GOD.

May the GOD of all heaven and earth bless you in your quest for whole truth. Remember, "the truth is GOD, and the truth will set you free".

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