What is the soul and what happens when you die?


In Genesis we find that when GOD breathed into Adam's nostrils, "the breath of life", he became a living soul. All soul means is being; "a living being". When the Bible uses the word 'spirit' it has several different meanings. It can mean "Holy Spirit" which when used is always capitalized. It can also mean "in your heart" or "in your attitude". And, in some instances the scriptures refer to "the spirits of devils" or "demons" which are the fallen angels. Satan cannot read your thoughts, but he and his demons can put thoughts into your head and because they are supernatural beings, they can do supernatural things, like impersonate humans or other living things. They can even manifest themselves into beings that are visible to us. This is why some people believe they have spoken to or seen their dead loved ones. For more on this, link onto: "channeling/spirit world" and "my personal testimony".(below)

No where does the Bible say there is an immortal soul. That is a lie of the devil. The first lie he told to Eve was when he said, "You shall not die, but you will be as God". Well, she surely did die and she was never like God. The death didn't come immediately. GOD never said it would, but at that very moment the "dying process" started. If God had not love, He would have just let her die instantly, but He is all love and wanted Adam and Eve, as well as the rest of us, to have a chance for repentence, learning, and salvation.

If she had never listened to Satan and disobeyed GOD by partaking of the one thing her Creator asked her not to touch, Eve would still be alive today.

Click on the following link to find out what the Bible says about what happens when you die.

The True State of the Dead
Psychic Channeling and the Spirit World
My Personal Testimony
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