The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan: What's this all about?


In heaven all was at peace. GOD the Father gave his son permission to create Earth and it's inhabitants. There was a mighty and beautiful archangel named Lucifer who upon seeing this decided he wanted to create. GOD said to him, "Lucifer, you are a created being. You cannot create". This made Lucifer angry and jealous toward Jesus. He started grumbling and criticizing GOD saying he was unfair. He tried to start a mutiny in heaven, trying to convince the angels to agree with him. GOD called to him and said,"Lucifer, I have made you the most beautiful and talented of all the angels. Please stop this." Lucifer would not stop. He wanted things his way. He wanted to be equal with GOD. After numerous attempts from GOD to dissuade him from this behavior, GOD finally told him if he didn't repent and stop, he would throw him out of heaven. This really made Lucifer angry and he proceeded to deceptively convince as many angels as he could to agree with him that GOD was being unfair. He managed to get one third of the angels of heaven to side with him. When they went to GOD to accuse him, GOD pleaded with them to cease. When they did not, GOD threw them out. Satan said(and I am paraphrasing), "O.K. If you are going to throw me out, I insist you send me to planet Earth; there I will prove you are unfair and that no man can keep your laws!" Ever since then Satan has been tempting man to sin and break GOD's Holy Laws which are simply a description of his character. Satan and his demons (the 1/3 of the millions of angels in heaven that fell with him) are busy 24 hours a day torchuring and tormenting GOD's creation; his children whom he loves. The only way Satan can hurt GOD is to hurt us. He is all about revenge. He is a fool. He knows he can't win. He already knows the outcome, but his foolish pride and evil heart doesn't care. His sole purpose is to keep us from knowing GOD and accepting his gift of everlasting life, which Satan can never have. When all this is over, Satan, his demons and all wickedness will be totally destroyed. We who believe, will never again be tempted to sin or suffer any sadness of any kind. Never again will we have evil thoughts or pictures placed in our minds. What a relief that day will be.

Personally, I am ready. Aren't you? GOD bless.

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