Children of the Night - For the Refugees

by: S. L. Daniel

They walk in silent mystery;

the conquest on their minds.

Threatened by the evil ones

who murder, rape and bind.

Those wretched thugs that seek their own

and slither through the night;

have no concern for anyone

who hates their deadly plight.

I wonder if they'll ever see

the children of the night,

Who hide in terror, lost in fear,

to escape the deadly sight.


The children's eyes are burdened.

"What did we do for this?"

No answer comes,

their hearts are numb,

their faces in the midst.

Filled with sorrow, grief and fear;

I think they need a kiss.

They search for safety here and there,

so weary as they roam.

Their eyes have lost their tears,

their family, their country, their home.

The ones who seek the evil ones

are the ones they do now fear.

What cause is good; what price enough

for eyes that scorch and sear?

The enemy, the evil one, lurks distant but so near.


A coward of the greatest kind

creeping on the ground.

He seeks the weak and frail and lost,

wherever they be found.

He has no care. No love is there.

No time to count the cost.

His mission is his own, you see,

his beliefs are truly false.


"Where are we now?", a soldier asks, fearing they are lost.

"Stay quiet son, be still tonight",

the captain's whispers heard.

"The evil one, the enemy, may hear your every word.

In silent movement, quiet and still,

they know not what abounds.

They look, they seek, they crawl so meek

and then they hear a sound!

They shudder, freezing in their boots.

It causes them to fright.

They draw their guns.

They will not run

no matter what the sight.

They aim to shoot, then, deeply sigh.

They hold their fire tonight;

'cause through the mist, they slowly see

the forms so still and slight.

They hold their peace and give release

to the Children of the Night.

Copyright © S.L.Daniel

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