Can a person sin in their dreams?

I have a strange but real question I want to ask you. Can you sin in your dreams?

Absolutely not. You are unconscious and not responsible for what thoughts go through your mind. However you can control the thoughts and actions you do during the day and immediately prior to sleep. The mind is a very complex organism and there are 3 channels for thought entrances and exits. One is Your thoughts, two is the Holy Spirit's thoughts and three is the devil's thoughts. Many people don't know this. The devil cannot read your mind, he doesn't know 'your thoughts' but he can put thoughts in your head. He can also watch what you do all your life and pretty much know you better than anyone but God.

There is a distinction here that you need to understand. God does not go where He is not invited. He will knock first, if you don't answer, He will not come in. The devil is the opposite. He is a rude intruder. He comes and goes as he pleases and only your prayers for God to prevent him can change that. If you are having evil dreams, it is usually just the devil tormenting you, trying to make you think that that is somehow who you are, or somewhere inside of you to get you upset or feeling bad about yourself or scared of who you really are or what you are really capable of. The devil is a liar, a coward and a thief. He always picks on the most vulnerable, the weak, the sick, the young, and he victimizes them even further.

In the Bible this is referred to as demonic oppression and it happens to all of us. People who do evil things are buying it. They are believing the lies of the devil as he puts them in their minds and then they choose to act on them. This is what causes people to do mean and evil things. If you are having bad dreams of doing what you obviously know is wrong (because your question was "can you sin" so you already know it is wrong) then you need to do three things immediately.

First you need to PRAY and ask God to prevent the devil from putting these thoughts in your head and also, to help you not to think about them or even remember them. Also, to help you understand where they came from. If it could be from some anger, resentment or bitterness that you are harboring, then you need to ask God to show that to you. If it is just the devil messing with you, then you need to pray for protection from that. Then you need to go to my site and read 2 articles in "questions and answers". # 1- the great controversy between Christ and satan. and # 2 - Does it matter how we pray. And the third thing you need to do is; not only read, but study Ephesians 6: 1-20 and each morning upon awakening, before you think of anything else, pray this prayer: "Father in Heaven, suit me with your Armour of God today and help me to walk in your will. Please protect me from all evil and make me a good witness to the world".

That's just 3 things that take little time but will totally change your life. Then when the devil puts these thoughts and dreams in your mind, they will be of no affect except to strengthen your faith and allegience to the cause of God almightly. I don't know what religion you are or what you have been taught, so I must say this final thing.

Our God is a God of total, complete and perfect love. All that He does is done because of, and for Love. So many teach that God is a harsh and judgmental god. But you need to remember this simple phrase: "God is in the business of getting people into Heaven, not keeping them out!".

We literally are His children and He is capable of loving each and every single one of us as if we were the only one He has. When we hurt, He hurts more. When we cry, He weeps in sorrow for us and wants so much for us to cry out to Him, so He can help us.

Remember what i said. God is a true gentleman. He does not go where He is not welcomed, but, ultimately, This is His Universe! His son has paid a huge price for us, and we will prevail through Christ's righteousness, not of our own, but through His. He was the ultimate sacrifice and now the final act of this drama is being played out, here on Earth as well as in Heaven, to prove to the entire Universe that our God is an awesome God. He reigns from Heaven above in wisdom, power and Love and all He does is perfect in it's goodness.

The devil has accused God of being a harsh, unfair and unreasonable dictator. God has proven differently. Now we just follow His commands until He returns to end this War between Good and Evil and personally, I don't think that is too far in the future.

Thank you for your question. It is a very important one.

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