Our Hyper-Active, Stimuli-Addicted World

In our hyper-active, caffeinated world, what price are we paying? The price we pay is "depth". We give up depth in our relationships. Depth in our emotions, depth in our thought. We think we have wisdom when we merely have information. We think that living under the same roof is the same as being a family.

In a recent study done on the time that middle- class fathers spend with their one-year-old children, the average reply was around 15-20 min. per day. When an indepth study was done, it was found to be actually around 37 seconds! There is a vicious cycle at work here.

Stimuli addiction is both a cause of our shallowness and a symptom of it. It is hard to break free of something so enthralling, so easy, so everywhere. Depth is too hard.

Stimulation overdose eventually creates numbness. That is, nothing stands out in the cacophony for longer than a moment.

Read Matthew 13:1-23, a parable showing what happens when God sows His Word. Some of it is snatched up by the devil; some, people are too shallow to receive it; some, people are too addicted to the world to hold on to it. This parable has special poignancy in a world jacked up on caffeinated culture.

God is a voice "crying in the wilderness" today. Is your life quiet enough for you to hear Him?

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