The Difference in Feeling Saved and Being Saved

This is from an E-mail I sent to a radio minister who had gotten a letter from a listener that was very distraught because she didn't "feel" saved. The radio preacher was at a total loss as to how to answer her.

Hi, I was listening to your program yesterday and heard your great puzzlement about the topic of "feeling saved".

The answer is actually very simple when you think about it. The Bible doesn't tell us we need to "feel" saved, It tells us we "are" saved. If we base our beliefs on our feelings, we will mess up everytime, and be lead astray.

Paul said, "Believe in the Lord and you will 'BE' saved." He didn't say you will 'feel' saved. That is what we need to know.

We, in and of ourselves, have little faith, but Jesus has all the faith we need, so we can just borrow some of His. He doesn't mind. : ) He is our righteousness. We have none of our own.

Religion based on 'feelings' is nothing more than 'emotional spiritism'. It is foolishness, dangerous and shouldn't even be considered a part of true Christianity.

The faith-filled Christian knows God's Word is True and acts accordingly, believing it whether they feel it or not. Day by day, with a willing heart, we get faith by "the hearing of the word" and the submission of the will. It just happens, even if we don't feel it. It's all about trust and obedience. Trusting God in all that He says, and all that He does and will do, then, obey His Commandments and find peace. As Jesus came to magnify the law and not to destroy it, we should follow in His footsteps, not as legalists, but doing as God commanded out of LOVE and with a willing heart, keeping all TEN commandments as well as the moral and the health laws. They are a blessing to us.

God doesn't say things and make laws for us just for the fun of it or to show His authority. He does it out of love for our well being. People need to be teaching more about God's true character and stop all these lies of the devil making God out to be a tyranical dictator who is watching "from a distance". God is in the business of getting people into heaven, not keeping them out. The knowledge of God's character and His word is sufficient for our needs in all manner of life. If we don't feel 'saved', then it's either because we have been taught incorrectly about who God is or, we are not seeking to know God with a willing heart. Our focus should be on God and not on ourselves.

We can know that our deeds are as filthy rags compared to God's and we should feel fine about that, because there is nothing we can do to be equal to what God does. I, personally, can do this wonderful, generous act of kindness and say to myself, "that was nothing" with a smile on my face, knowing that compared to God's acts of generosity and kindness, it truly is nothing.

Our God is an awesome God. He is glorious and perfect in all that He does. There is nothing in this universe that can compare to the wonderous love of our Savior and our King and His Family. If this is what we focus on, we will find that we have a peace that passeth all understanding. And that is a good feeling!

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