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Rise to Power

Temujin was born in 1162 as the son of the chief of the Yakka Mongols. When he turned 10, his father was poisoned to death. Temujin then became chief. When he did, all of the tribe members deserted him. He then lived a harsh lonely existence, digging roots for food and only owning seven sheep. Three years later, he was talking to a group of his former tribe members, explaining his military and political beliefs. They liked his ideas and many more people began listening to them. He used these audiences to form alliances and the alliances into armies. He used strict discipline and tough training to organize a superior army. Temujin next wrote the first Mongol code of laws called Yasa. The laws stated that he must choose his officers and rank by achievement, not their family connections. The laws also said his commandos must stay loyal to their leader or ruler. From then on, Temujin’s goal was to leave the world better than he found it. He used his armies to take over neighboring tribes. Soon, Temujin had all of Mongolia! He then set out on a quest to take over all of China. He would do so by conquering the three main empires that made up China. First the smallest, Xi Xia. Then the Qin. And finally the largest, Na-Chung.


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