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Cris Lockridge...The Official Site -

Cris' Spin On Things

In the Studio With Cris Lockridge

In the Studio With Cris Lockridge

In the Studio - 01/05/2008:

"Warped" - Lyrics

Be sure to check out for full-length studio versions of "Warped," "Rock On," "Suicidal Bullet" and three others. This move will allow us to conserve the official site's bandwidth while sharing Cris' music with the largest possible audience. - J.

In the Studio - 12/10/2007:

"I've Been Waiting" - Lyrics
"Cliche of the Brighter Day (Rock On)" - Lyrics

Cris is currently auditioning new band members, but will be taking some time off for Christmas; we'll keep you updated on any important developments. Also, more song lyrics will soon be added, pending Cris' final approval. - J.

In the Studio - 05/09/2004:

This is Cris updating the old stomping grounds. The guys are back to a regular practice routine, and soon we hope to have more fresh cuts for you. The song below is called "I'm Free," and comes to us from the Lupien days of Not For Sale.

(NOTE: This MP3 has been permanently removed; we apologize for any inconvenience. Please check for the newest versions of Cris' live and in-studio material). - J.

In the Studio - 05/03/2004:

Hey everbody. Just wanted to point out (as Rock did) that Lupien left the band for whatever, we have been looking at other drummers and have found what we were looking for in "Percussion" Dustin Day. If you haven't heard of him before, you have a poor memory, 'cause he was originally billed to be our drummer. Dustin was also the drummer for the rock band Some Assembly Required.

As far as the new CD goes, we are still working hard and are now in the position of having to replace the drum tracks; but if you want to hear a little something, go to the Fill Dirt and Rock Only site and listen to the "Black and White" MP3 on their Pics and Stuff page. Your first click on the link will take you to the Tripod page, where you can click again and download. Well, time to wrap things up. Rock on everybody! - Cris

In the Studio - 01/11/2004:

So, the music is rollin'...Hey, it's Cris. We have laid down the general ideas for some of the songs that will be on the new CD...right now, a tenative date for the CD to be completed will be in October of this year. From that point on, there are many, many, many variables. Are we going to put it out ourselves? Are we going to "shop it around" (possibly opening a whole new chapter of having to record everything again)?

Anyhow, as you can see, there are many factors that will come into play when deciding on an actual release date, but don't worry. J. (when and if he ever re-emerges) will have plenty of stuff for you all to listen to. Soon there will be new pics on the Not for Sale site (and probably the Cris Lockridge site), so that you can finally see Lupien and Fill Dirt (they are the "pretty boys" of the band, or so I'm told). Rock on everybody! - Cris

In the Studio - 12/15/2003:

Hey everyone! It is Cris, and I am sitting here listening to a band called Not for Sale...I have to say they are pretty cool, except for the singer. Anyhow, hopefully in the next couple of days (who knows, maybe today) you can start looking for the first MP3 update. As far as the band goes...we are getting tighter, chemistry-wise, and the music is rolling. Well, whenever the new MP3 does get posted, ENJOY. Rock on everybody! - Cris

In the Studio - 12/03/2003:

Hey, it is Cris again. Just letting everyone know that I am still alive. Also, I am going to tell you about something that J. is going to start doing on the site. READY? MP3 updates!! Yeah, basically we practice at a studio, so all of our practices are recorded. Sometime very soon, J. or myself will begin posting a new MP3 about once a month, with an update on what the band is doing. These updates will probably be located right here, on the "In the Studio" page. Anyhow, I hope all of you will enjoy this new feature.

By the way, if we post an MP3 from a practice that you like, be sure and download it, because when another is posted that mix will be gone. The unfinished version of "I've Been Waiting" and the live version of "Suicidal Bullet" will stay posted for now, but the songs from practice will only stay on the site for a month or so at a time. Just givin' you a heads-up so that you aren't upset when we pull various MP3s off the site. Anyhow...SOMEONE PLEASE go sign the guestbook. Sign it many times. I posted in it and made myself out to be more of an idiot than usual, so if you all could get my posts onto page two or three, where they aren't so Rock on everybody! - Cris

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