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Cris Lockridge...The Official Site -

Cris' Spin On Things

Message from Cris Lockridge

Message from Cris Lockridge

(01/21/2012) On Sabbatical...

Now is the winter of our discontent; but never fear, for things are not always quite what they seem. Cris Lockridge is planning something BIG in the near future.

Stay tuned...
Signed, C.S.L.

(12/23/2007) Happy Holidays, and Blessings to All...

I may be on vacation, but the rumor mill has been working overtime. Just a reminder that you'll always find the latest info, straight from the source, here at the official site - so don't trust just anyone for your Cris Lockridge news!!

At least one or two of these rumors we've been hearing are based in reality. Believe it or not, former Not For Sale drummer "Percussion" Dustin Day (also known as "Triple-D"), a longtime friend, may finally be back in the picture. Initial contact has been made, and discussions could begin as early as next month. But remember, this has NOT YET BEEN CONFIRMED and, to be perfectly honest, is rather unlikely. No one ever said we couldn't dream, though!

Something else I've heard a lot about in the past couple of weeks concerns the possible reformation of the heavy metal concept band Perverted Bread (see the Bio page for more). While it is true that J. has been trying to persuade me to give the idea another chance for awhile now, I'm just not sure whether that's the direction I want to take.

At the very least, though, I've always been willing to make whatever musical contributions I can, so you (and J.) can rest assured that if Perverted Bread does happen, I will be involved to some extent. I'd like to wrap this up by saying that I am very excited about the future of The Cris Lockridge Band, and just as grateful to all of you, my friends and fans, for the opportunities I have received thus far.

See you in 2008,
Signed, C.S.L.

(12/08/2007) Taking Some Time Off...

Hey everyone. I figured it was about time to login and post a new message for my fans, so they don't think I'm dead or something...a lot has happened since the last time we spoke. My quest to rebuild The Cris Lockridge Band continues, and I feel like we're making some real progress lately.

Seeing as it's Christmastime, I've decided to take a few weeks off from music and concentrate on my family life instead. There will always be plenty of time to write songs and recruit band members, which is exactly what I plan to do next year. In January of 2008 we will begin a serious and sustained effort to permanently reform "the band" and put out a new album.

Until then, I'll be taking it somewhat easy, and I suggest you do the same. I'm concentrating on having a good holiday season and hopefully renewing old bonds of family and friendship. I sincerely wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year; please don't hesitate to visit this page whenever the mood strikes, as we're always adding something new.

Keepin' the RAWK Alive,
Signed, C.S.L.

(08/12/2007) This Website Has Been Reclaimed For Cris Lockridge!

Sad to say, Not For Sale is no more, but from its ashes the phoenix shall ultimately rise - and that phoenix is none other than Cris Lockridge. The same Cris Lockridge who came up with the idea for this band in the first place! Yes, the same Cris Lockridge who was then forced to sit and watch helplessly as my creative control was gradually stripped away...

Though I harbor no ill will toward my former bandmates, I will not allow anyone else to soil the purity and sap the strength of my vision, as NFS eventually did. From here on out, I'm sticking to doing things my way, because...hey, I can. Simple as that. To all of our wonderful fans, I do have to apologize - but I promise you that the music I'm working on now will completely change the way you look at Cris Lockridge.

Stay tuned...
Signed, C.S.L.

(10/19/2003) Tearin' it Up

Hey everybody! Sorry I took so long, AGAIN. Well if J. hasn't been keeping everyone up-to-date (by the way...many thanks "Master". We appreciate it. You're doing a good job here)...Okay back to the subject. We have been tearing it up on our end. We are sanding down the songs Warped, I've Been Waiting, Gotta Fly, Suicidal Bullet and a brand new one, Black and White. Black and White is very heavy, with a nice scream or two.

I know we've made you wait a long time for this project, but we promise it will be worth it. If you need to hear more, visit; Fill Dirt and Rock Only are artists with Acid Planet. Check this out: click on this link to hear a live mix of Suicidal Bullet. It isn't the prettiest mix BUT what can you expect with a live mix that just has a couple effects added. Also, if you want to give the song Gotta Fly a listen, click here. If you didn't notice, THAT IS NOT ME ON VOCALS. This mix comes from Chastized, a band that Barney (Chastized: drums, Not for Sale: guitar) and James (bass) played in. The lead singer was a guy by the name of Brad Martin.

Also, if anyone is paying attention, we are desperately looking for a band name! I know we have been going with "Cris Lockridge and Not for Sale" but this just isn't quite working. First off, this thing has turned into a bigger group effort than I originally thought. So, at the moment, depending where you go we are called "Not for Sale" or "Fill Dirt and Rock Only featuring Cris Lockridge." So, if you have any suggestions, or perhaps you like one of the existing names, please drop a line to any of us, whether to J., myself, or Barney. If you are on the Not for Sale site then there is a contact page, if you are on the Cris Lockridge site, the bottom button is my email. Oh, by the way, the band name "You Guys Suck" has already been voted down.

Drummer Crisis 2003 is unfolding as we speak. We have two VERY talented drummers in line for the spot. Dustin Day, formerly of the band Some Assembly Required, has first dibs. Meanwhile, a guy by the name of Terry, who has been a touring musician since before I was born, has jumped on the wagon as well.

So we are also looking for equipment at a decent price; if you know of anything or you would like to do business with a new band, drop one of us a line. Sponsors and whatnot are always welcome, also.

Keepin' the Rock Alive,
Signed, C.S.L.

(07-23-2003) To the Fans of "The Forest" and Those Who Knew Me Then (plus some plans and upcoming promotions)

Just thought that I would tap something out here. It has been a while, and if you checked out the In the Studio page, you can see why.

First, we will start with the upcoming promotions. J. will keep you posted on all of the specifics. The BIG one is still several months away, probably eight or more, because recording and production has yet to be finished. We will have a dozen of the original studio recordings to give away (as long as Rebel Artistry continues to give us their consent). Each CD will be individually signed by all of the people who recorded. There will be 24 to 35 of these signed CDs in all (J. will be able to let everyone know exactly how many there will be), and they will be numbered or signatured in some way - this will keep these cd's authentic so that they cannot be forged.

Also, we will be giving away a limited quantity of "Cris Lockridge & Not For Sale" T-shirts (this promotion will come sooner than the CDs). J. will keep you all up on any other promotions that will come along. If you want to get an early reservation on either the CD or t-shirt you can e-mail either me or J.; include your mailing address and we will get you either one or both as soon as they are ready. Don't be bothered if it takes a while, because there is still a lot to finish up before we can send either the CD(again, as long as Rebel Artistry still consents) or t-shirt out. If you reserve it in time we WILL get it to you. There will probably only be about six (!) t-shirts to start off, but we will keep you posted.

With the "debut" of the unfinished version of the dark song I've Been Waiting, I thought I would explain a little bit. I know that if you were connected to or followed the band The Forest in '98-'99, this is stuff that you aren't used to hearing from me. If you didn't follow The Forest then let me explain to you. The Forest was a light Christian rock band that I played drums and did backing vocals for.

To my Christian fan base: I will go ahead and warn that there are going to be some things that you probably didn't expect from me. In fact, I am sure that if you read the Special Message from Cris, you are already kind of confused about why I would write some of the stuff that comes out. Now it is not to scare you away...and it really shouldn't be taken too seriously; they are random thoughts that I figure might get people thinking about spirituality a little more. I believe that we have become too scientific of a society, numb to affairs of the spirit.

As far as I've Been Waiting, if you were expecting a new version of the song In the Secret or More Love, More Power, I don't mean to disappoint you. First of all, I've Been Waiting is kind of just a fun, scary song without a real message, which differs from most of the stuff that Barney and I have been working on. If you will hold on you will find a good message in most of my music, but it will not be the straight Christian that you may have come to expect from me.

There, there will be certain words, phrases, and terminology that I don't expect that most of those used to me doing Christian music, will like or agree with. In fact, some of you may totally hate me as a person and artist when all is said and done, but I hope that won't be the case. This music is being written and recorded for everyone, especially those from The Forest and everyone connected that got me into music, and gave me the best year and a half of my life; playing shows, relaying a message of hope, and playing in church; which helped deepen other's spirituality as well as my own.

Basically, I want you all to know that I am the same guy. That I didn't somehow forget where I came from, or the message. My personal beliefs went through a change and renaissance, BUT I am still your spiritual brother.

Blessings be to all,

In Loving Memory of Donald Ray Loughridge
December 22, 1949 - March 3, 2003

The AGCS Network
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