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Cris Lockridge...The Official Site -

Cris' Spin On Things

Cris Lockridge - Listening Room

Cris Lockridge in the listening roomChecking out the latest track

We promised you high-quality Cris Lockridge MP3 by mid-January 2008, if not sooner -- and we've kept our word. We are very proud to present the latest studio version of "I've Been Waiting," one of Cris' most popular and well-known songs (click here for the lyrics). This track comes from an extremely rare demo album which may eventually be rerecorded and released to the public. Although this copy of "I've Been Waiting" still sounds raw and unpolished at times, it is of higher quality than almost anything else you may have heard on this website in the past.

Keep in mind that this is only the beginning - several additional tracks from the demo album are available and will be posted for your consideration at some point in the near future. The next song we add will most likely be either "Warped" (a personal favorite) or "Rock On" (click here for the lyrics) - but you never know, we might surprise you! One last thing: while the MP3 you're about to hear is copyrighted to Cris Lockridge, you may feel free to share it with your friends and family. Please help us spread the word! Thank you very much for listening; check our "What's New" page for future MP3 updates.

"I've Been Waiting" - Original Studio Recording
Copyright 2004/2007 Cris Lockridge

Thank you for visiting Cris Lockridge...The Official Site!

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