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Cris Lockridge...The Official Site -

Cris' Spin On Things

What's New With Cris Lockridge...The Official Site

What's New With Cris Lockridge...The Official Site

What's New for 01/21/12:

We've moved! You can now find us at
More great stuff is on the way; thanks for stopping by! - J.

What's New for 12/15/08:

Patience is a virtue.

The wait has been long and difficult, but the payoff will be spectacular.

More to come very soon.



What's New for 03/16/08:

For starters, I would like to extend my apologies to Cris' fans for the noticeable lack of recent updates, both to this site and Cris' MySpace page. The dearth of new postings can be primarily attributed to an overall absence of important developments, music-wise. Cris has also been very busy taking care of his family, as he believes they must always come first.

However, Cris Lockridge, the performer, is gearing up to finally make his mark upon the music industry, and we are very excited about the coming year. Cris is patiently waiting for an opportunity to work with "just the right people," so to speak, and we humbly ask for your continued patience as well.

More information will be posted as soon as it becomes available, and don't think that we've forgotten about the new Message from Cris we promised you a while back. Life has a way of interrupting our various pursuits; I'm sure you understand.

Thank you for taking the time to visit us today; we hope to hear from you soon! - J.

What's New for 01/19/2008:

As the memory of '07 fades and we plunge headlong into 2008, the future is looking good for Cris Lockridge. Ever-so-slight changes to the website have been made, and you can expect to see a new Message from Cris very soon. Also, you'll find the lyrics to Cris' hit single, "Warped," on our In the Studio page (or just click here, if you prefer). We thank you for your time. - J.

What's New for 12/30/2007:

Please do us the honor of visiting our brand-new Myspace page, located at, where we have posted FIVE additional Cris Lockridge MP3s (plus the version of "I've Been Waiting" from this website). And don't worry - the official site will remain the focus of our online activities for the foreseeable future. We're just trying to branch out a little, and to spread the word about Cris Lockridge as effectively as we can. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions, and hope to see you again soon... - J.

What's New for 12/26/2007:

All right, I know what I said last time, but...first off, I've moved the entire website over to a new address ( and retooled the look of the pages to better suit our visitors. Please update your bookmarks accordingly if you have not yet done so. As promised, you'll also find a brand-new (to the public, anyway) version of Cris Lockridge's "I've Been Waiting" on our MP3 page, with more unreleased tracks coming soon! Please let me know if you have any problems downloading the MP3 or surfing the "new" site. Thanks for stopping by! - J.

What's New for 12/23/2007:

A brand-new Message from Cris has been posted to address some of the rumors that are going around. I've also added a guestbook and a few new images - plus, check the MP3 page for a special announcement. Major renovations will likely cease beyond this point until the beginning of next year, but I'll still be around to keep an eye on everything. So enjoy the rest of the site, and have a great Christmas! Thanks for reading... - J.

What's New for 12/12/2007:

An early, unfinished version of "Cliche of the Brighter Day (Rock On)," made popular by Cris Lockridge and Not For Sale in 2003, has been reposted on our MP3 page. Additional adjustments to the website have been made in an effort to improve functionality. We thank you for visiting; please come back soon! - J.

What's New for 12/10/2007:

Lyrics for two of Cris' best-known songs, "I've Been Waiting" and "Cliche of the Brighter Day (Rock On)," have been checked and reposted - you'll find them on our In the Studio page. Also, I've made a few slight changes to the overall design...please let me know what you think! - J.

What's New for 12/09/2007:

New Message from Cris added yesterday; all pages have been updated as well. The "Special Message" and a few other pages have been removed for the time being. Cris himself is on vacation until early next year to recharge his creative batteries. - J.

What's New for 08/12/2007:

An important new Message from Cris has been posted, detailing the end of Not For Sale and the beginning of Cris Lockridge's solo journey. Go check it out! - J.

What's New for 05/09/2004:

Wow, where to start? Well, the front page, About Cris, Bio and In the Studio sections have all been updated. Check out the new MP3 of "I'm Free" on our In the Studio page.

As far as the guys go...Lupien has said goodbye and moved on. We wish him well on his upcoming projects. With the departure of Lupien, "Percussion" Dustin Day, formerly of Some Assembly Required, has stepped in to play and hopefully replace Lupien's drum tracks on the album which is due out this fall. The mini-album, Cliche of the Brighter Day, will feature at least 5 songs, namely (and in order):

1. I've Been Waiting
2. Suicidal Bullet
3. Black and White (Rock On)
4. Warped
5. The Wine

So look for that to be on sale by late October or early November through this website, the Not For Sale site, and the Fill Dirt and Rock Only site (just to name a few), and possibly a few local stores. I'd say buying through the websites would be the easiest way to get your hands on the CD.

Also, check back with us soon, as the guys may be playing a show in early June at Hollister, MO. If you don't know where Hollister is, it is just south of Branson on Highway 65. J. and I will keep you posted on that.

Well, just one more time, I'd like to welcome Dustin Day to the NFS team...that's it for now. I'm out... - Cris

What's New for 11/24/2003:

Not For Sale would like to welcome their new percussionist, the talented Terry Lupien, to the fold. This addition rounds out the roster and will allow Cris and the boys to take NFS to new heights. Could there be a live show on New Year's 2003? We'll see. The band also hopes to begin the recording process, which will take place at Twisted Fate Digital Studio, very soon. More to come, hold on to your seats... - J.

What's New for 10/20/2003:

The Message from Cris is brand-new and chock-full of useful band info. Read it now to find out all the latest news. Plus, coming soon: more new content! - J.

What's New for 7/24/2003:

First off, both Messages from Cris are new, so check those out. Also, Not For Sale may now have a bass player. The bassist has worked with Barney on several projects so far dating back to (I am going off of my horrid memory) 1987. So if he is in, we welcome him on board. I actually believe that is about it for now. - Cris

What's New for 7/17/2003:

Where to begin? On the site, the In the Studio" page has been updated with pictures. Also, there is a new MP3 of the unfinished version of "I've Been Waiting." In other news...I've been writing more new stuff and am now recording with a guy named Barney Sherman. David Martin (who has been standing by at lead guitar for almost a year) is preparing to get into the studio, as is percussionist Dustin Day.

As you may have noticed, things on the site are slowly getting a great new look, mostly thanks to the new guy. That's right, I will be handing the controls over to my good friend, "J." I will still be around working on different things, but not to the extent that I have been. We may also be moving the site soon, but J. and I will keep you posted on that.

J. is also on board to work with advertising and promotions, and to basically be our "everything-but-the-music" man. J. spent some time as webmaster for the 1990s funk band So Far Gone, as well as masterminding the concept band Perverted Bread. We are very happy to have him working with us. - Cris

What's New for 12/20/2002:

The regular Message from Cris came out on December 6th, so it is still kind of new. Then, as I am sure you saw, on the front page there is another Special Message from Cris on Faith. Be sure to check both of those out. Also, a couple of new pics have been added to the site; you will see them. I believe that is it. - Cris

What's New for 12/06/2002:

The concert went well last month. Nothing much else happening at the moment. The Message from Cris has been updated, so check that out. Soon (hopefully) we will have pictures from the November 9th show on the site. - Cris

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