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Well hopefully I didn't forget to put anybody on but if I did then they probably don't mean that much to me at all so forget about it!!!!!! JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!

Anyways here are the best of the best friends in the world!!!!!

Laura~~U are the best friend that I could wish for!!!Whether I am your only best friend or are one of your dozen your friendship was the best thing that has ever happened to me...and never will I forget the way that we used to be.........I'll still miss it though!! Likes; icq, music, webpage stuff, soccer, movies, Mark Wahlberg, and those ellipse things in tech. ill(joking, joking Lo!!!!!)

Katie~~You have to be the craziest person that i know!!!!!!-----U helped me to be more outspoken in grade nine......thanx!!!!!!(without your support I don't know where I would be!)LIKES; shopping, her "spa",talking and more talking, and of course --guys.

Jen~~Hey man!!!Wow it's cool that we have so many classes together this year~~U saved my but so many times this year as my defence!!!For Jane's sake though don't ever talk with your mouthguard in!!~ LIKES; hanging with the guys, movies, listening to music, bsb and loves early morning soccer practices!(don't we all though!!!)

Serena~~Sir-u r a very talented dancer(I am so jealous!) I just wish that we had more time to hangout!!!---here's to another eight years of friendship!LIKES; dancing, soccer, movies, meeting strange guys downtown (that was a cool night)!, and blowing bubbles in the theatre.

Heather~~-I think the main reason that i find u so great is that you are completely down to earth and say whatever is on your mind--no matter who u are with-----oh and u are very good at pool:)LIKES; pool, baseball, basketball, BSB, Josh Hartnett and chattin it up with friends.

Jove~~What can I say about you?!?!You're such a sweetie-----sometimes we don't seem to click as well as others-----we never can get our times right so we can hangout but it's always great when we do!!LIKES;guys, designer clothing, brad pitt and usher, and anything to do with fashion.

Will~~You make the best of best friends in the world. Don't ever change!---cuz u are the nicest guy I know---who else would put up with me?!?!?!?!LIKES; Poking people, nintendo, playing soccer and hockey, and watching t.v.

Ivy~~I haven't talked to you in ages and i miss ya sooooo much---I am gonna write as soon as i can k?!?!--Who's the new guy this month?!?!JOKING!!!

Andrew~~Frig eh?!?!?U r one special(in a good way) guy. Thanx for keeping things interesting. Call me whenever!!!It sucks that we don't have any classes together this year~!---maybe next year though!!!!! LIKES; Nintendo, Simpsons, sports and hanging with the guys.

Sunny~~Well best friends for a couple years now huh?!?!---I miss you tons!Don't worry I'll still be there for you when you get back along with everyone else---Luv ya lots.Forever. LIKES; volunteer work, cleaning, old guys, her Michael and general good doing around the world!

Kym~~U r super nice-thanx for listening to my rambling whenever we go on our walks!!!!!!. LIKES;guys, a PIECE of gum!(sorry kym but that joke will never get too old!!!!), and the internet.

Becky~~On top of being totally kewl and nifty, u r way nice to everyone. LIKES; sports, talking, shopping, and guys.

Meaghan~~Omigod I admire you so much---I am so glad that you moved her from Napanee!!!....don't change anything about u for anybody or I'll kill you!LIKES; Drew Barrymore, Smashing Pumpkins, and hates the BSB too!!!!!

Matt~~You are the quietest guy that i know--I just don't get how you do it!!! You have to be the sweetest guy in the world though! And I am so glad that we talk every day now---cuz u can be pretty funny and odd(in a good way!)LIKES; sports, t.v., computers, and hanging with the guys.

Ben~~Hey little guy!Jokes!---Now I am the one looking up to you(along with everyone else:P) Just remember you may be stronger but I am smarter!!!Just joshin!!!LIKES; Girls, any sport, border dances, and nintendo.

Tim R.~~Well u can be very loud but you still make a great friend!Thanx for being there. Oh yeah u also give the greatest hugs!! LIKES; carving, swimming, other sports, and girls.

Kevin~~The Kevinator!!!!!!!!!you are one hell of a nice guy--probably one of the nicest-----and you are very funny in your own cool way. LIKES; sports, movies, and hampsters that dance......

Lisa~~Hey CUZ-----well soon to be cousin anyways.........Thanx for keeping family visits interesting...and you are the best mom there is!!!!!

Chris~~Thanx for being the big brother that i always wanted!---except for the fights and stuff!!!!!

Maureen~~Who knew that this year I would get to become good friends with someone as great as you!!!!! LIKES; good- marks, movies, volunteering, and old men(Harrison Ford!!ew!!!!!!)

Jon~~You are a nice guy-----and it's JACQUIE by the way---not Jack!!!LIKES; sports, sports, and more sports.

Steph~~You are sooooo cute!!!!!-----It seems that no matter what sport we play you always manage to save my but!!!!!!You are my biggest supporter,protector and without a doubt one of my greatest friends ever LIKES; Leo, skaters, Amorreta, and guys...

Geoff~~FEFFY!!!!!!!sorry i know how you hate that!---it was the last time i'll ever say that i promise!You are hilarious---french class will always rock with you in it!!!!!!LIKES; Jokes, nintendo, and hanging out.

Rob~~You are really nice and are very easy to talk to!!!!!-----Tell Matt I say hi!!!!!!LIKES; computers, icq and movies.

Kathryn~~You are a very cool person and u and I have to be the power houses of the world!hahaha-----we WILL get BOB back!LIKES; her boyfriend, hanging with friends and being at KGH.

Jen~~I am ssssssssoooooooooooooo glad to have met you!.....don't eat too many more of those disgusting bbq chips though!JOKES!!!!!!LIKES; doctors, talking talking and more talking!

Blaine~~You are such a sweet person and you have a good sense of humour!!!see ya soon i hope!!!!!LIKES;anything lime green, music and dancing.

Brenda~~I am just starting to get to know you better, and I am glad of that because you are a unique person that just has a way of catching people's attention with everything that u you keep math class from being as extremely boring as it can be!!!!!

Richard~~I should have had you on here a long time ago!!!!!!No excuses huh!?!?!Iam so happy that we talk now----and i always love the emails from you-----you are such a sweetie---and next to steph you are my best supporter!!

Andre~~WATCH OUT girls!!!!!---This is the ladie's man of kingston!!!!!!~~~Dre you are definatley a charmer, and you can always make me laugh---thanx for walking with me home sometimes-----now that you have my number u have no excuse not to call!!!!!!Oh yeah you are a pretty cool guy-----and i love your necklace!!!

Mike~~I've known you forever-----well grade three seems like a century ago anyways!!!!!You are such a sweetheart--and I am very glad that you are going out with my bestfriend!!!!!!You guys look so cute together!!!Just watch your back next time you're around me cuz there might have to be some hatflicking and poking-----I am scared of wearing hats around you now--thanx!!!You're a great friend though!

Alex~~You are the most awesome kid even if you do bite my pen lids and keep taking my organizer!!!---Thanx for the entertainment during english---u can be pretty funny!!!!!call me sometime!

Jamie~~Hey hot ass!!!!!Jokes!!u know i luv ya!!!U r a nice friend and I am glad to have u there even if you do think that iam obsessed with you!!!!!!