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*Don't drink grape juice while wearing a white shirt if you are in a moving vehicle

*Don't let your life wait for other people

*Your mother will find out if you get a nose ring

*Don't fall in love with someone who lives a thousand miles away from you, cause it'll never work!

*If it hurts, DON'T DO IT AGAIN!

*That which does not kill you will ultimately make you stronger.

*Speaking in public gets easier with practice.

*Ten years from now most of what we freak out about won't make any difference.

*All that's gold doesn't glisten.

*Zits always pop up when you can't really afford them to.

*When in doubt, duck. When certain, don't bother 'cause you're already screwed.

*Never peirce your belly button in the dark.

*Being nice to people will get you far.

*If your math teacher tells you that to quit talking after a test or he'll give you a zero he means it, really.

*Some times smart people can do very stupid things.

*Nuthin is ever too good to be true.

*The one person you can truly love is often right infront of you.

*Dreaming and doing go hand in hand.

*Procrastination is the easiest way but not the most profitable.

*If he/she doesn't respect you then they are not worth any of your time.

*Instead of waiting for life to get better, do something about it.

*Your gut instinct is not stupid, it is usually right actually.

*You can't light fireworks in the basement and not get caught.

*Sticking things up your nose isn't the smartest idea.

*If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then giveup. No need to be ridiculous about it.

*Hair is very flammable.

*Never trust a friend with a pair of scissors at your hair.

*Someday you will look back on this and it will all seem funny,

*You never know when you are making a memory.

*Nothing matters if you don't have loved ones to share it with.

*The heart does heal, and yes you can love like that again!

*If you can laugh at yourself every once in a while you are going to be just fine.

*If you allow others to laugh with you, you will be great.

*Burning hot chocolate with milk in it makes chocolate cheese.

*Never prank e-mail someone and expect them to never find out.

*Call display is a common thing now so don't bother pranking people.

*If you sit still in one spot on your foot for a long time your foot most definately will fall asleep.--Erica learned this one through experience:)

"Wherever you go, there you are."- Buckaroo Bonzai

I got this from another webpage but if you feel like adding on to this list just e-mail me and I'll add it on.
