The following are results for WCW/nWo Nitro that aired on 4/26-99. These results were taken from the "Top Rope Newsletter." Please credit: "Top Rope Newsletter" and the reporter when using these results. Thank You!!

*World Championship Wrestling's:
*Air Date: Monday, April 26, 1999
*Live: 8:00 - 11:00 PM (EST) on TNT
•Hosted by: Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay
•Live from: Fargo, North Dakota
•Reported by: Joe De Leon

•The show opened with a three-bell and picture tribute for Rick Rude.

•Footage was shown of a doctor and a nurse talking about Ric Flair's stay in the Central Florida Mental Hospital, after he was taken there the previous week on Nitro when Roddy Piper and doctors loaded him in a van. The nurse banned the mental patients from watching Nitro, until Flair made his way out of a door in his boxers and robe. He and the mental patients started dancing around as they watched Nitro.

•Backstage, J.J. Dillon had a conversation with referee, Charles Robinson. According to papers, since Ric Flair was in the mental hospital, Robinson was the Vice President of WCW. Robinson was excited.

•Roddy Piper Interview.
-Roddy Piper said Fargo, North Dakota was where men were men and where Ric Flair ran scared. Piper pointed out that Flair was still in the Central Florida Mental Hospital, which made him the man in charge of WCW. Piper said we would have a big show. Piper announced, as of now, Randy Savage, along with Gorgeous George, was officially reinstated in WCW. Piper also announced Scott Steiner would take on Savage later in the show for the United States Title. When mentioning Diamond Dallas Page, the crowd booed. DDP made his way out and was booed the entire time. Piper asked DDP to give a Heavyweight Title shot to Sting. The crowd wanted it. DDP said he would love to accept the match, but wouldn't, so Piper made DDP take the match. Piper said DDP had 45 minutes to prepare for his match.

•Konnan defeated Brian Adams by Disqualification.
-Brian Adams dominated with his power. After throwing a kick in Adams' gut, Konnan nailed a Face Buster and then strapped Adams in the Tequilla Sunrise. The entire NWO Black and White then entered and attacked Konnan, resulting in a Disqualification.

•Handicap Match:
Scott and Steve Armstrong defeated Raven via Pinfall.
-Before the match, Tony Schiavone announced that The Four Horsemen had attacked Saturn and Kidman earlier in the day. Saturn was apparently taken to the emergency room, so Raven would have to wrestle the match on his own. Raven got on the microphone and pointed out that Saturn was in the hospital and would have to wrestle the match on his own. He said, "What about me? What about Raven?" and taunted The Four Horsemen. Scott and Steve Armstrong argued throughout the match. A chair was brought in, and Raven ended up planting both Armstrong Brothers onto it. After Scott accidently hit Steve with a superkick, Raven caught Scott with the Evenflow DDT. As the pin was being counted, Steve nailed Raven from behind with a chair, which let Scott make the pin.

•At the Central Florida Mental Hospital, Ric Flair yelled at Charles Robinson over the phone and told him to do anything to get rid of Roddy Piper. Flair kept yelling at the mental patients, telling them to get out of his face. Robinson, as Vice President of WCW, said he would be right on it. Flair then hung up and started to flirt with a built-up nurse.

•Charles Robinson Interview
(Conducted by Gene Okerlund)
-Gene Okerlund asked Little Nature Boy what was going on. Charles Robinson said he was incharge of the company and not Roddy Piper. He said there would definitely be a Diamond Dallas Page vs. Sting Heavyweight Title match, which brought out Piper. Robinson demanded security. Piper said the only thing Robinson was incharge of was Ric Flair's bedpan. Piper brought up the time Gorgeous George slapped Robinson, which caused Robinson to slap Piper. Security made their ways out to the ring, along with J.J. Dillon. Robinson got in Piper's face, who was held back, and told him he was fired, but would still wrestle Flair at Slamboree for the Presidency of WCW. Robinson continued to say, "Get him out of here!" Robinson went crazy like Flair. He even took off his jacket.

•Sting defeated Diamond Dallas Page with the Scorpian Deathdrop, to capture the Heavyweight Title.
-The crowd booed Diamond Dallas Page and chanted white trash. In the beginning, Sting continued to scare DDP out of the ring and dominate the match. He nailed DDP with a Stinger Splash and even put him in the Scorpian Deathlock, but DDP made it to the ropes. DDP and Sting then started to brawl down the aisle. When they were back in the ring, DDP was mainly on top of the match. Sting and DDP then went through a series of Tombstone reversals, until Sting finally hit one, but DDP kicked out of the pin. DDP went for the Diamond Cutter, but Sting countered with the Scorpian Deathdrop for the win.

•Over the phone, Ric Flair told Charles Robinson what he did to Roddy Piper was great. Flair then told Robinson to set a Hevyweight Title match of Sting vs. Goldberg for Slamboree, as Flair celebrated with the mental patients.

•Rey Mysterio, Jr. defeated Psychosis with the top rope Huracanrana, to capture the Cruiserweight Title.
-There were many high-flying maneuvers. At one point, Rey Mysterio, Jr. gave Psychosis a huracanrana to the outside of the ring. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko made their ways down. They held up Mysterio's Tag Team Title belt to the camera and Mysterio nailed both with bulldogs. As Mysterio held up the belt in glory, Psychosis hit him with a baseball slide. In the ring, Mysterio executed his top rope Huracanrana, to capture the Cruiserweight Title once again. Benoit and Malenko entered the ring and attacked Mysterio. There was no help from Kidman, most likely because he was attacked earlier by The Four Horsemen.

•Kevin Nash Interview.
-Kevin Nash said he was informed backstage the new main event at Slamboree was Sting vs. Goldberg for the Heavyweight Title. Nash said someone must of forgotten he had a title shot at the PPV. Nash said since Goldberg was in the back, we had seen Sting vs. Diamond Dallas Page, and since he (Nash) was in the house, Nash challenged all three (Goldberg, Sting, DDP) to a four-way title match later in the show.

•At the Central Florida Mental Hospital, Ric Flair said Kevin Nash's idea of a four-way Heavyweight Title match was brilliant. Flair told Charles Robinson to make it official. The mental patients wrestled on the floor.

•Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Eric Watts with Greetings from Asbury Park.
-Bam Bam Bigelow dominated the match and finished off Eric Watts in about a minute with Greetings from Asbury Park.

•Sting Interview
(Conducted by Gene Okerlund)
-Sting had some fresh make-up on and said he was back. He accepted Kevin Nash's four-way Heavyweight Title match of Sting, Nash, Goldberg, and Diamond Dallas Page.

•Booker T. defeated Meng via Pinfall, to retain the Television Title.
-The referee was accidently knocked out when Meng landed on him after a sidekick from Booker T. Booker maintained his focus, which was the point where Stevie Ray made his way out. Meng put Booker in the Tongan Death Grip. Ray entered and clocked Meng with a slapjack. Booker then made the pin, as the referee recovered. Rick Steiner entered the ring and started to attack Ray. Booker defended his brother, as he held Steiner back. The referee separated the two.

•Dr. James Andrews gave an update on Hollywood Hogan's (legitimate) knee injury. Pre-recorded footage was shown of Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff arriving together at the Sports Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama. Bischoff encouraged Hogan to get the knee surgery first instead of taking care of Diamond Dallas Page, who "caused" Hogan's knee injury. Hogan said he would do it since Kevin Nash had promised he would break DDP's back when the time was right. Hogan's actual operation was shown on camera. Andrews and Kevin Wilk then gave a further update on Hogan's knee and said he would be sidelined for a few weeks. He would have to work out, train, etc.

•Over the phone, Ric Flair told Charles Robinson to book a Television Title match between Booker T. and Rick Steiner at Slamboree and make the four-way Heavyweight Title match later in the show a No Disqualification match. As Flair danced with the mental patients, a returning Scott Hall was shown. He had a patient apron on.

•Brian Knobs defeated Hak (w/Chastity), Mikey Whipwreck, and Horace via Pinfall.
-Kendo sticks, ladders, crates, Surge containers, chairs, garbage cans, tables, fire extinguishers, and more objects were used in the chaotic match. Brian Knobs took the win after slamming a ladder onto Mikey Whipwreck. Knobs would go onto Slamboree to take on Bam Bam Bigelow.

•Scott Steiner defeated Randy Savage (w/Gorgeous George and ?) by Disqualification, to retain the United States Title.
-Scott Steiner said he didn't do what anyone told him to do, specifically orders from Roddy Piper, but he would like to take on Randy Savage. He said if he beat Savage, he would get Gorgeous George. And of course, if Savage won, he would get the United States Title. Randy Savage had Gorgeous George and another beautiful woman with him with a strap that said "Miss Madness." Charles Robinson entered the ring and told referee Billy Silverman to leave the ring, so he (Robinson) could referee the match. Robinson disqualified Savage for no reason and let Steiner retain his U.S. Title. Gorgeous George got onto Robinson. Robinson was attacked on the outside of ring by Madusa. Robinson was then stripped down to his boxers. He was wearing the same Florida Gators boxers Flair wore the previous week. Robinson yelled at Madusa, George, and the other beautiful woman, saying he was the Vice President of WCW.

•A training video of Gorgeous George was shown.

•No Disqualification, Four-Way: Diamond Dallas Page defeated Goldberg, Sting, and Kevin Nash with the Diamond Cutter, to capture the Heavyweight Title.
-Sting nailed Stinger Splashes on all three of his opponents, but was obviously out-numbered in a match where there were many nearfalls. Kevin Nash set up Diamond Dallas Page for the Jack-Knife Powerbomb, but Goldberg made the save. Sting put Nash in the Scorpian Deathlock, but was distracted over Goldberg's spear on Page. Goldberg Jackhammered Sting and had the win, but Randy Savage interfered in a No Disqualification match. Savage tossed in brassknuckles to Page. Page nailed Nash with them and put him through the Diamond Cutter to recapture the Heavyweight Title. Page immediately exited through the crowd.




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