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Well, i guess if you're reading this, you're wondering why i'm not updating "Raslin' Rage" anymore. The reason for that is because:
1)I have School and need to concentrate on it, but that's really not a very big reason.
2)I'm really not interested in this site anymore. It's just not fun and i guess i'm sort of "Burnt Out" on it. I'm still a Wrestling fan, just not too interesed in running a site. I'm more interested in playing games and that sort of thing. I'm sorry for doing this to those select few of you who actually visit Raslin' Rage on a regular basis. The pictures are still good, as well as alot of the other information on this site, so check it out. I may begin updating again later on, but for now, i'm not.

You may be able to check out some of my writing on a site or two or maybe a newsletter. Maybe not, but you could check around. If you know of a good site that gets alot of hits and needs a columnist, please let me know.

I mentioned that i'm interested in games. I may start up a site with Games on there for download. Shhhh...Yes, that is illegal, so lets just keep that to ourselves, but i'm not sure if i will do that or not; If i do, i may post the address here.

Feel free to E Mail Me at: User269040@aol.com. Thanks alot for the visits.

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Raslin' Rage Webmaster
The User

Raslin' Rage Name and Design Copyright © 1999, James Walker.
FWA Copyright © 1998-1999, James Walker. This site is not, in any way, affiliated
or associated with ANY Pro Wrestling promotion and/or Wrestler.