Horse Trays

Dawes Brewery
Dawes Black Horse Ale & Porter
???, Canada
Mfg. Unknown
13" Porcelain Pie

Genesee Brewing Co., Inc.
Genesse 12 Horse Ale
Rochester, NY
Mfg. Unknown
13" Pie

Genesee Brewing Co., Inc.
Genesse 12 Horse Ale
Rochester, NY
Mfg. Unknown
13" Pie

Haffenreffer Co., Inc.
Pickwick Ale
Boston, Mass
Mfg. Unknown
12" Straight Sided

Latrobe Brewing Co.
Rolling Rock Beer

The "33" comes from a mistake made by
a printer that was doing some advertising
work for Latrobe. The proof department
counted the number of words on a piece
of advertising ("33") and wrote it on the proof.
The printer, thinking it was part of the
advertisement, left it on and the rest is history.
Latrobe, PA
Mfg. Unknown
13" Straight Sided
1950’s - 1960's

The Lauer Beverage Corp.
Horse Head Beer - "Champion Don Juan"
Binghamton, NY
New York Importing Co.
13" Straight Sided

Peoples Brewing Co.
Peoples Beer & Old Derby Ale
Wakasau, WI
Mfg. Unknown
13" Straight Sided

D.G. Yuengling & sons, Inc.
Yuengling Beer
Pottsville, PA
American Can Co.
12" Straight Sided
Late 1940’s

Tray Trivia

OK, now that we know what the Rolling Rock "33" means, someone please tell us what the
Oertel's "92" means?

Until someone tells me what it means, all you can do is go to the Midwest Pages
where an Oertels tray resides and wonder???

Woah nellie - nice ponies! How 'bout some other "Themes"?

...Tray Themes Galore…

...Lost my breath, home please...
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