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Coven of the Sacred Oak

Coven of the Sacred Oak began in 1988. It was created by Inanna and White Wolf who put an incredible amount of time and dedication into getting things started.

I became an initiate of Coven of the Sacred Oak in 1991 and after 3 years I was chosen as High Priestess by the Coven Elders when the previous Priestess changed residences. I served as High Priestess for two years until the Coven dissolved after several moves and the death of the High Priest made it difficult to hold Circle. I hold the beliefs of this Coven very close to my heart and intend to keep them alive until I can get it back on its footy paws and holding meetings once again.

The majority of knowledge and experience on Wicca I possess was gained while working with the wonderful people in Coven of the Sacred Oak. This is the source of the information presented in my Wiccan Grimoire.

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