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Imbolc/Oimelc/Brigid's Day/Bride's Day/Candlemas

February 2

Imbolc is a major sabbat, a festival of the White Goddess as Brigid, Bride or Lucy the Light Bringer. Astrologically the exact date of Imbolc is when the Sun is 15 degrees Aquarius. It celebrates the first stirrings of Spring. Traditionally Wiccans celebrated with purification rites and lighting bonfires as Brigid is a Goddess of Fire.

Imbolc literally means "in the belly." In the womb of the Earth are hidden the first sproutings of Spring. Oimelc means "ewe's milk" for this is the time when new lambs are being born.

Things generally associated with Imbolc: candles, seeds, milk, the groundhog and other animals emerging from hibernation, cleaning house, lighting all manners of fire, conception and initiation.

It is the end of the Cleansing Tide and the beginning of the Growing Tide.

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