Litha/Midsummer/Summer Solstice/St. John's Day</p><p>circa June 21
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Litha/Midsummer/Summer Solstice/St. John's Day

circa June 21

Litha is the longest day of the year. Since it is the point midway between Summer and Autumn (one of the 'tween times) it is especially sacred to the faery, and a time of great magickal power.

Traditionally, hay would be harvested and women would set about spinning wool.

This is the moment of the Sun God's greatest power, and also the time when his dark twin, who causes his demise, is born.

Things associated with Litha: handfastings, bonfires, feasts, and the colors of the rainbow, especially yellow and gold.

It is the Reaping Tide.

Solitary Ritual for Litha Sabbat.

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