Ritual for Litha Sabbat (Solitary)
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Ritual for Litha Sabbat (Solitary)

Great Mother Goddess, Goddess of the Moon, the Waters, and the Earth; Glorious Father God, God of the sun, the Forests, and the Mountains Shine on me: This Rite I perform in Your honor, For You. It is Litha, and I am but one mong many Wiccans performing this rite to You. Shine on me and attend this ritual.


Watchtowers of the East, South, West, and North; Elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth; Sylphs, Salamanders, Endines, and Gnomes: Cleanse my spirit and purify my soul, ease mymind and wash my body; grant me the knowledge and power to heal, help, protect and counsel those I am chqrged with. I thank thee.I come forth with wand in hand and dance upon the Goddess' Land to mark the turning of the year Midsummer/Litha now is here.

This longest day of the year signals the shortening of the days. It is a time of great magickal power and an occasion for handfastings.

In the days of old, now is the time when men would harvest hay, and women would set forth spinning wool. It is the end of the Growing Tide and the beginning of the Reaping Tide.


I celebrate the Sun God's peak. He is crowned King upon His throne. Many names and many faces hath He. He is called Gawain, Gwyn, Llew, Lugh, Balan, and Holly King.

I give respect to His "shadow self". Born this night, as teh days begin to shorten. He, too, hath many names and many faces. He is called Green Knight, Gwythyr, Goronwy, Balor, Balin, and Oak King.

All things are both good and bad, this is the Law of Yin and Yang. The Sun God is both light and shadow. Without the light there would be no shadow, without the shadow what would we call the light?


The Goddess' cauldron is ringed in blooms; Mystery and wisdom Her depths entomb. The sword of the God is plunged within; Love and knowledge are found through Him. As teh sword is to the male, so the cauldron is to the female.



Lady of the Moon; Lord of the Sun; Protect me and mine now Sabbat is done.

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