Watchtowers of the East, South, West, and North; Elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth; Sylphs, Salamanders, Endines, and Gnomes: Cleanse my spirit and purify my soul, ease my mind and wash my body. Please protect this circle of invisibility through which no distractions may interfere. I thank thee. So Mote It Be!
I come forth with wand in hand and dance upon the Goddess' Land to mark the turning of the year Lammas/Lughnasadh now is here!
This, the first harvest, signals the peak of the Reaping Tide. It is a time for harvest and Thanksgiving.
In the days of old, now is the time fo the first harvcest, and teh promise of ripening grains and fruit. Corn dollies were made, and the early grain was baked into Sun-shaped loaves of bread. It is the Reaping Tide.
I honor the Corn King, and give Him thanks for His yearly sacrifice. He is Lugh, and He is Sun God.
I honor the Mother Goddess. She weakens as the days are growing short. She is Demeter, and She is Moon Goddess.
All death brings new life through Them. The Green Harvest of grains and fruit, and the coming ritual death of the God at next Sabbat promise new life at Yule, Imbolc, and Ostara for the God is growing in the Goddess' womb and the seeds are being separated for next years planting.
(Focus fears into a small piece of bread while chanting the following:)
Free my mind, my heart, my thoughts of fear; into the bread the sacrificial bread; into the flame the all consuming flame. Fear Be Gone!
(Focus hopes into the remaining bread while chanting the following:)
Grant my life, my heart this hope; into the bread, the sacrificial bread; into my body, throughout my body. Hope Manifest!
Behold the Corn King! I eat of the bread of life that dies to be reborn.
Lady of the Moon; Lord of the Sun; Protect me and mine now Sabbat is done.
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