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Characteristics: transparent, light, force of motion, reflective, insulator, compressible & expandable, moveable, mutable, malleable, male, penetrating, mediator, reacts to energy, carries fire, switching mechanism

Energy Flow: crown down

Feeling: Free

Direction: East

Direction of View: Outward

Part of Person: Mind

Consciousness: Intelligence

Physical Action: thinking

Spiritual Aspect: Enlightenment

Season: Spring

Colors: clear, white, blue, yellow, crimson, blue/white, purple

Time: Dawn

Astorlogical: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini; 3, 7 & 11th Houses; Mercury

Tarot: Swords (especially the Queen)

Physical State: gas

Spirits: Sylphs; ruled by King Paralda

Power Animals: eagle, hawk, birds

Tools: incense, athame, sword, censer

Symbol: circle

Feeling: Cool & fresh

Deities: Zeus, Urania, Athena, Aradia, Thoth, Arianrhod, Cardea, Nuit, Enlil, Khephera, Mercury, Shu

Incense/Odor: Sandalwood/mellow, galbanum

Image: Billowing clouds

Word of Power: YOD-EH-VAV-HE

Kabbalistic Action: movement

Wind Spirit: Eurus

Affirmation: I am intelligent.

Posture: arms raised parallel

Virtues: intelligence, practical, joy

Chakra: heart

Vices: impulsive, frivolous, boasting, easily fooled

Angel: Michael

Tree: Aspen

Sense: smell

Jewel: Topaz

Plants: frankincense, myrrh, pansy, primrose, vervain, violet, yarrow

Rules: all mental, intuitive and psychic work, abstract learning, theory, windswept hills, plains, windy beaches, high mountain peaks, high towers, wind and breath

Other: quick response, networking, communicative, linking people into social units, active, day, drive, heat, plants expression of DNA, benevolent dictator

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