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Characteristics: Essence, Multi dimensional, Trasformative, Compressible/Expandable, Endurance, mobile, malleable, balanced, Transcends Earth, Air, Fire & Water yet is immanent, Underlying, connecting all

Energy Flow: Non-local

Feeling: Ecstasy and Bliss

Direction: Center

Direction of view: Holistic

Part of Person: Spirit

Consciousness: Enlightenment

Spiritual Aspect: Om tat sat

Season: Kaplas

Colors: Ultraviolet, Clear, black, white, all colors

Time: Now and all time, beyond time, all time is one

Physical State: Singularity

Spirits: Demigods, God/desses

Tools: Wand, Athame, Crystal, Ankh, Cauldron

Symbol: Infinity Sign, white Egg, Equal Arm Cross

Power Animals: Any, Sphinx

Word of Power: OM

Deities: Isis, Buddha, Ahura, Mazda, Quan Yin, True Will, Zeus, Hera, the Secret Name of the Goddess, Shekinah, Akasha, IAO, JHVH

Incense/Odor: Combination incense

Image: Blue/White light

Kabbalistic Action: underlying esseence

Wind Spirit: Tornado of Power, manifesting deities

Chakra: Crown/third eye

Affirmation: I am balanced.

Sense: Hearing

Posture: Back straight, arms sweep, then at sides

Virtues: Beyond

Vices: Beyond

Tree: flowering almond

Plant: mistletoe

Rules: Transcendence, change, everywhere and nowhere, within and without, the void

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