Energy Flow: Base of spine up
Feeling: Centeredness
Direction: North
Direction of View: to the Past
Part of Person: Body
Consciousness: Memory
Physical Action: sleep, experiencing, unity
Spiritual Aspect: serenity/beingness
Season: Winter
Colors: green, gold, brown, black, white
Time: Midnight, night
Astrological: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Tarot: Pentacles/disks
Physical State: solid
Spirits: Gnomes; ruled by King Ghob
Tools: Pentacle
Symbol: Square
Feeling: rigidity, centeredness, salty, bitter
Power Animals: buffalo, stag, cow/bull, snakes (earth-dwelling)
Word of Power: AGLA (ah gal lah)
Deities: Gaia, Pan , Hera, Demeter, Thiannon, Adonis, Dionysis, Ceres, Geae, Mah, Nephthys, Persephone, Prithivi, Rhea, Athos, Arawn, Cernunnos, Marduk, Tammuz
Incense/Odor: musk/goaty/earthy, storax
Image: mountain/landscape, plants & animals
Kabbalistic Action: stability
Wind Spirit: Borus
Chakra: Base
Affirmation: I am strong, centered and know.
Posture: Arms extended palms down
Angel: Gabriel
Virtues: centeredness, patience, truth, thorough, dependable
Vices: dullness, laziness, inconsiderateness, hang-ups
Tree: Oak
Sense: Touch
Jewel: Rock crystal, salt
Plants: comfrey, ivy, grains, barley, oats, corn, rice, rye, wheat
Rules: the body, growth, nature, sustencance, material gain, money, creativity, birth/death, silence, chasms, caves, caverns, groves, fields, rocks, standing stones, crystal, jewels, metal
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