Energy Flow: front to heart
Feeling: love, compassion
Direction: West
Direction of View: Inward
Part of Person: Emotions, Intuition
Consciousness: wisdom
Physical Action: Making love, celebrating
Spiritual Aspect: Compassion
Season: Autumn
Colors: silver, blue, purple, blue-green, green, gray, indigo, black
Time: twilight, sunset
Astrological: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Tarot: cups
Physical State: liquid
Spirits: Undines; ruled by King Niksa
Tools: Chalice, cauldron
Symbol: crescent
Power Animals: fish, seal, otter, dragons (as serpents), dolphins, porpoises, sea mammals, water-dwelling snakes, all water creatures & sea birds
Feeling: tingles like spray
Deities: Poseidon, Aphrodite, Tiamat, Isis, mariamne, Mari, Dylan, Ea, Llyr, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune
Incense/Odor: Rose/flowery, myrrh
Image: Waterfall
Word of Power: AHA (Ai Hey Yeh)
Kabbalistic Action: contraction
Wind Spirit: Zephyrus
Virtues: love, compassion, receptivity, flexibility, forgiveness
Affirmation: I am creative and intuitive.
Posture: arms extended palms up
Chakra: behind sex organs
Vices: indifference, depression, unstable
Angel: Raphael
Tree: Willow
Sense: Taste
Jewel: Aquamarine
Plants: ferns, lotus, mosses, rushes, seaweed, water lilies, all water plants
Rules: feelings, courage, daring, sorrow, the ocean, the tides, lakes, pools, streams and rivers, springs and wells, the unconscious mind, the womb, generation, fertility
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