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The Works of Gregory Corso

1955 The Vestal Lady on Brattle and other poems
Richard Brukenfeld

1958 Gasoline
City light Books

1959 A Pulp Magazine for the Dead Generation: Poems
With Henk Marsman
Dead Language

1960 The Happy Birthday of Death
New Directions

1960 Minutes to Go
With Sinclair Beiles, a href="">William Burroughs and Brion Gysin
Two Cities

1961 The American Express

The Minicab War: The Gotla War-Interview with Minicab Driver and Cabbie
Matrix Press

1962 Long Live Man
New Directions

Selected Poems
Eyre & Spottiswoode

1964 The Mutation of the Spirit
Death Press

1966 The Geometric Poem

10 Times a Poem
Poets Press, 1967.

1970 Elegiac Feelings American
New Directions

1971 Ankh
Phoenix Book Shop

Gregory Corso
Phoenix Book Shop

1972 The Night Last Night Was at Its Nightest
Phoenix Book Shop

1974 Earth Egg
Unmuzzled Ox

Way Out: A Poem in Discord
Bardo Matrix

1981 Herald of the Autochthonic Spirit
New Directions

Herald of the Autochthonic Spirit
New Directions

1989 Mindfield
Thunder's Mouth Press

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