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Jack Kerouac Bibliography

  • The Town and the City
  • The Scripture of the Golden Eternity
  • Some of the Dharma
  • Old Angel Midnight
  • Good Blonde and Others
  • Pull My Daisy
  • Trip Trap
  • Pic
  • The Portable Jack Kerouac
  • Selected Letters: 1940-1956

    The Duluoz Legend

  • Visions of Gerard
  • Doctor Sax
  • Maggie Cassidy
  • Vanity of Duluoz
  • On the Road
  • Visions of Cody
  • The Subterraneans
  • Tristessa
  • Lonesome Traveller
  • Desolation Angels
  • The Dharma Bums
  • Book of Dreams
  • Big Sur
  • Satori on Paris

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