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Chapter 11
Additions and corrections

Please forgive this typing as I am not very good at it, but maybe you can make it out, I am including some information that I have collected, that I thought you might be interested in.

Grandfather James Mortimer, was born in England, August 27th, 1834. At 159 Church Green, Melksham, to AbrahamAbraham and Sarah Bull (Buell).

He had a sister Sarah, who married Simeon Mortimer, September 1849. I have heard that they were cousins. They came to America in January 1850, lived in Waukesha Co. about 5 years, then came to Sauk Co. and settled on section 29, town 13, range 2, now Woodland. They had 4 living children.

John and Rhoda; and Noah and Winnie resided at Valton.
Mary and Charles resided in Vernon Co.

John E. and Rhoda (Small) Mortimer had 6 children :

In 1855 two of Sarah's brothers, John and James, came to America from England, and took the Mortimer name and had it legalized. Continuing on to Woodland, they bought land and established themselves and their posterity.

In 1867 a third brother, Samuel, came to America. He brought his wife, Salina, and one child, Sarah Louise, with him.

The three Mortimer brothers all had large families. John had 9. Sam had 9. James is said to have 18, I can only find 14.

John (Bull) Mortimer - married Phoebe Smith, daughter of Robert Smith, in 1856.

Sam (Bull) Mortimer - married Salina James (Bull) Mortimer - born August 27, 1833; in England. died November 19, 1890
married first - Margaret O'Toole - (Irish) born April 17, 1835. died 1871. married second - Malinda Holderman (German) born August 30, 1849, died February 25, 1924 or 25

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