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Chapter 4
Worshipping God
Part # 3: United Brethren Church

The United Brethren Church had already been referred to a number of them because they have been so closely associated with both the Churches still in the community. Not too much can be said about the early history of this organization at Valton. I learned of the address of one of their ministers who went to serve the Valton Church as his first Pastorate. When my letter reached his home, his daughter wrote to me saying that her father had just passed away, but she was sure that he could have told me a lot about the Valton United Brethren Church because his mind was clear to the last.

The following United Brethren Ministers have been Pastors of the Valton Church: Rev. Talbot, Rev. Jessie & Jennie Hatch, Rev. Sanford (1888), Rev. Blodgett and Asbury Smeltzer. Talbot came from Elroy on every other Sunday. Valton was the first Pastorate of Jessie Hatch. Blogett came from Big Creek and lived there while he served the Valton Church. Smeltzer was the last Pastor. He did not keep respect of the community when he joined the I. O. O. F. Lodge. Rev. Mudd's name should have been added to the ministers. He was a Negro.

Some members of the United Brethren Church at Valton were Dr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Mortimer, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cannon, Rev. Josephus Good. Rev. Josephus Good was a presiding Elder of the Eastern District of the United Brethren Conference.

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